Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [pers pn] make [noun] " in BNC.

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1 During his years on the Continent he made friendships among many of the most eminent men of the day , including Edward Gibbon , Horatio Nelson ( Viscount Nelson ) , Sir William Hamilton and his wife , Richard Payne Knight [ qq.v . ] ,
2 Over the piano you make love with !
3 If I could just pick up the point you made Councillor , I think that at the A C C discussions , there was a great deal of cognition and understanding of the need to consult with staff side , in the run up to the beginning of formal consultations .
4 When we had the ball we made Celtic work . ’
5 Rachel sat there in the back of the Mercedes , unable to give him the stinging retort on her lips because she knew he would do what he promised , and she had a profound fear that the minute he made love to her fully the feelings she was desperately trying to suppress would keel over and completely overwhelm her , leaving her not just vulnerable but absolutely devastated by the reality of what they were .
6 In my discussions with the principal I made reference to the words of Jesus recorded in Matthew 19 v.4 and Mark 10 v.6 .
7 As dawn came up in the sky we made preparations to move back to our own lines , covering our withdrawal and keeping careful watch for any signs of the enemy .
8 One side-effect of this is that affixing spikes and suchlike for climbing is impossible — they just slip out next round as the hole they made heals .
9 The man you made love with , ’ Mark says .
10 The man I made love with , ’ Martha says , without inflection .
11 When Ashton staged his version of the ballet he made Cinderella 's leitmotif into a major factor fur the development of the plot by creating a matching dance leitmotif .
12 In the end they made love in his father 's dressing room , confined on a narrow bed , and Eileen fell asleep .
13 ‘ It was the year they made Dennis whatsisname minister for snow . ’
14 When they were well out of the way we made tracks for home and I looked forward to a quiet evening .
15 As we have seen , culture permeates the whole of life and has a profound influence on the meaning which people attach to the messages they hear , the way they make decisions and the social and institutional structures which they build around their creeds and values .
16 Determinism and differentiation are inextricably linked in the positivist programme : the determinants are identified by the way they make criminals differ from non-criminals .
17 ‘ They used to take an interest in the way they made corn-stacks in the old days .
18 And also the way he makes films .
19 She found herself talking too , drawn by some required exchange of confidences and a dislike of being on her own , discussing the gardens , the weather , other people 's dogs , safe everyday subjects , in the way she made conversation at parties to people she had n't met before .
20 Read Agatha Christie 's Death on the Nile and note the way she makes Poirot time and again call attention to a pistol that has been thrown into the river .
21 In the meantime it makes sense for the unit to be stored in a plastic bag but I do look forward to the perfectly waterproof receiver being available in due course .
22 He did n't tell long stories like Patsy did , or wistful tales like Dekko Moore about the time he made harnesses for the Lords of the Soil somewhere down in Meath .
23 The scientists concluded that it would have been better to leave the beaches alone , but as one commented : " At the time it made sense .
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