Example sentences of "the [noun sg] [prep] long [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A further step in this process has been the acknowledgement of the part that housing has to play in the provision of long stay accommodation for people suffering from dementia .
2 Substantial changes in the provision of long term care for elderly people have taken place over the past decade .
3 It is time to recognise that fact and radically rethink the provision of long term care .
4 It originates from the Industrial and Commercial Finance Corporation ( ICFC ) and Finance for Commerce and Industry ( FCI ) set up in 1945 on the findings of the MacMillan Committee that a gap existed in the provision of long term capital funds to small businesses .
5 If we can go on to what you think you would need in , in the case of long term sickness , how much do you think you would need per week to get by ?
6 In May he took his protest to the rooftop of Long Lartin prison in Worcesterhsire .
7 A full understanding of current unemployment and the role it plays in the working of the labour market requires an explanation of the persistence of long duration unemployment .
8 The breakwaters were built in England to lessen the difficulty of long distance Towage .
9 This process can work out expensive but you can achieve the look of long hair instantly !
10 The interaction of long chain molecules with liquids is of considerable interest from both a practical and theoretical viewpoint .
11 Deep within the brain , in areas like the thalamus and hypothalamus , these problems are exacerbated by the presence of long fibre bundles that pass through interesting regions , carrying the connections of completely unrelated regions .
12 Our eyes are built to cope with a narrow band of electromagnetic frequencies ( the ones we call light ) , somewhere in the middle of the spectrum from long radio waves at one end to short X-rays at the other .
13 We firmly believe the key to long term success lies in engaging as many ‘ actors ’ as possible in the process of habitat and species protection and enhancement , rather than in requiring one authority to perform a clinical , curatorial role .
14 Moreover , the application of the barostat to long term recordings of colonic motility , may prove useful to assess other pathopysiological aspects of functional colonic disorders .
15 Like many so-called archaic methods it was the result of long adaption of means to ends ; like many supposed pockets of peasant routine the Basque system could adapt itself to new demands .
16 A. human bone from Turkey buried in alkaline soil with scrub oak vegetation , showing extensive root marks that have coalesced to give an appearance of surface corrosion ; B. sheep bone from stream ( pH 5.4 ) in Wales showing the result of long term immersion in water , with breakdown of the surface structure of the bone and formation of large scale pitting ; C. bovid bone from Tanzania which was buried in the floor of a hyaena den and subjected to trampling and decay from urine and organic acids , destructuring the surface leaving large scale pits and occasional islands of unaltered surface bone ; D. horse bone from Sphagnum bog in Dartmoor ( pH 3.5 ) showing acid etching of the bone producing pitting following and enlarging original structures in the bone .
17 [ But ] the general picture of community care presented by this evidence on the fate of short stay patients following the closure of long stay hospitals is much more disquieting than the evidence on the planned discharge of long stay patients .
18 It is quite clear that community care developments in Scotland have failed to keep pace with discharge of patients and the closure of long stay beds , although the range of facilities has improved together with the liaison between the statutory and voluntary sectors .
19 Cynical health authorities would find the closure of long stay beds a less enticing option .
20 High resolution n.m.r. has proved to be a particularly useful tool in the study of the microstructure of polymers in solution , where the extensive molecular motion reduces the effect of long range interactions and allows the short range effects to dominate .
21 An industry which uses the vehicle on long haul will derive different periodic benefits from an industry which uses it over many , short journeys .
22 For Henry James the great house is a presence by itself , ‘ a serenity of success , an accumulation of dignity and honour ’ ; ‘ the spectacle of long duration unassociated with some sordid infirmity or poverty ’ ; ‘ a place of which the beauty would have had a sweet odour ’ even in the absence of ‘ flowers in rare vases ’ ; ‘ the ache of antiquity ’ ; ‘ the sign of appointed felicity' .
23 The building will be re-erected as an extension to the museum at Long Handborough Station yard .
24 It is only fair to say , in conclusion , that the short versus long copy debate has gone on since at least the twenties .
25 She approved of the crispness of the linen coifs of nuns , the ironed cleanness of her mother 's Sunday gloves , the drift of long tulle skirts that had stirred about her on her First Communion day , the soft transparency of the veils of village brides .
26 Carnitine is essential for muscle energy production and is required for the transport of long chain fatty acids and acyl co-enzyne A derivatives across the inner mitrochondrial membrane .
27 Carntine is requred for the transport of long chain fatty acids into the mitochondrial matrix , thus allowing their catabolism by Β-oxidation .
28 Under these arrangements most students take special mature matriculation examinations , although a few are admitted on the basis of long experience in their field or professional qualifications .
29 This provision was the product of long debate , focussing on its obligatory character ( ’ in all cases ’ ) and on the meaning of ‘ civil and commercial ’ .
30 Not so ; but what you see is the product of long debate and anxious reflection .
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