Example sentences of "the [adj] [noun pl] [noun sg] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Dammit , it 's the future of the European components business I 'll be talking about . ’
2 And anybody here with the technical services department they would confirm that .
3 As a member of the Scottish Sports Council I was closely involved in setting up arrangements for access to rivers .
4 In the course of researching extra material for Pursuit in the Public Records Office I made one lucky and quite unexpected find .
5 When I started discussions with the social services department I had an open mind about the service to be delivered .
6 In a BBC Radio 4 programme about the civil rights movement he said :
7 Outside the incongruous police trailer she paused and knocked smartly on the door .
8 The fear is that when Raytheon completes its overall review of the Corporate Jets business it may move the entire operation to the US .
9 As we looked across the water to Corinth and listened to the haunting bouzouki music I saw why so many people return year after year to Poseidon .
10 The National Rivers Authority it is n't aware of a particular porblem at Gloucester .
11 The National Rivers Authority it is n't aware of a particular porblem at Gloucester .
12 He was joking , of course , and when Knightshayes was opened privately under the National Gardens Scheme he would park his wheelchair at the top of the garden and watch the visitors coming along the terrace .
13 Sheep farmer Alison Hunter Blair has a lamb which has been orphaned after it 's mother died , now through a special lamb bank set up by the national farmers union she 'll be able to find a new mother for the lamb .
14 The roughest police treatment he got , it seems , was in the West .
15 But in the wake of the United Airlines debacle it is recognised that the problem is with the financiers , not with Congress .
16 At the Slavonic Studies reunion I met several current undergraduates from Campion ; Russian is now compulsory for all first-years at the School .
17 This is the first Windows Application we 've come across where you could throw away the manual , the on-screen help is really that good !
18 In the nine months period it is hoped Ross will break even and the market is predicting the company will move into profit in 1990 .
19 As he reached the parked sports car he went into a rolling dive , still clutching his leg , and bounced himself off the bonnet and over the other side .
20 If the matter is not resolved by the small claims procedure it may go forward to a full hearing before a County Court judge in the normal way .
21 Dinah smiled a little , the green eyes meeting his .
22 The young ones darling we 're the young ones .
23 The thirty days ' standard he applies to his suppliers is the thirty days standard he expects from his customers .
24 So it would not seem unreasonable that you know , from the date of the Financial Services Act it might come in there .
25 But of course you 've now got the modern police station you know .
26 IDE drives are intelligent , that is provided that you set up the CMOS to show the new drives capacity you do n't have to worry about drive type .
27 MANY thanks for the excellent series of articles on the proposed Sports Museum they put the situation accurately and can do nothing but help our cause .
28 At the most critical moment of the Seven Years War it amounted to 4.4 per cent of the total population of the country , the highest proportion of this kind reached in any State during the century .
29 At the local police station it was the Serbian flag , not the federal colours , that was hoisted and saluted before the cameras of state-run Belgrade television .
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