Example sentences of "the [noun] up at [art] " in BNC.

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1 Forget it ’ the A A said , ‘ forget it ’ the police said , ‘ forget it ’ , everybody in the town said ‘ forget it , it 's hard enough to walk up ’ and we took the truck up at a bloody run .
2 Ivo drew the car up at the front door , she pinned her hopes , rather desperately , she owned , on one very big , important fact .
3 One thin , ring-studded hand held the skirt up at the front but the back went trail , trail , trail on the ground , sweeping up wisps of hay with the feathers .
4 Erm , again in my experience the a any additional material usually runs from the close of the enquiry , and I 'm well aware of of the turning up at the end of the enquiry .
5 After breakfast , Damian picked the keys up at the desk , and they walked out into the cool sunlit morning to find the streets busy and bright .
6 Yeah , something where you can put the bar up at the back
7 Rodber looked raw while Cusani 's insistance on picking the ball up at every second scrum was one of the main reasons why the North 's centres never made much headway .
8 And then I could add them together , or if that 's a bit awkward , what I could do is I could think of the hundred and one as a hundred add one , I can think of the seventeen as ten add seven , and then I multiply them this way and I multiply all the bits and then add all the bits up at the end .
9 A hole had been dug for the coffin , next to the place where Eileen had been buried only two short years ago , and boards propped the soil up at the sides .
10 Despite Austen 's soothing reply , Salvidge took the matter up at the next meeting of the Executive , when he demanded whether or not Leith had been satisfied with Austen 's reply .
11 Quite a dab hand at the washing up at the moment .
12 I dipped my head and brought the gun up at the same time without thinking .
13 Both his legs were severed completely , the right one mid-thigh , the left up at the hip .
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