Example sentences of "the [noun] been [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 It would , nonetheless , have saved us millions of pounds in tax relief had the building been declared listed . ’
2 no , but some sort of place , well when , when you look at these pictures now , the satellites been going twelve months , still going through
3 That would only have been necessary had the troops been requisitioning other people 's equipment , rather than turning out with their own ambulances .
4 There was nothing to suggest that had the evidence been excluded that result would necessarily have been the same .
5 After all , had n't the insuperable iron ships , the powerful weapons , the all-conquering engines of the colonialists been born first in the determined spirit of Western man ?
6 Held , granting the petition , that where the hearing of an action was divided into two parts and there was an appeal to the Court of Appeal of New Zealand after the determination on the first part , justice required that an appeal therefrom to the Privy Council should lie if such an appeal would have lain had all the issues been determined prior to the appeal to the Court of Appeal ; that , accordingly , the judgment of the Court of Appeal deciding the compromise and cancellation issues in the respondents ' favour and dismissing the petitioner 's action was a final judgment for the purposes of rule 2 ( a ) of the New Zealand ( Appeals to the Privy Council ) Order 1910 entitling the petitioner to appeal as of right to the Privy Council ; and that , therefore , the Court of Appeal had erred in refusing to grant the petitioner leave to appeal and the Board in the exercise of its discretion would grant the petitioner special leave to appeal ( post , pp. 6G , 8B , D , F ) .
7 Why had the item been left unwrapped ?
8 ‘ In heaven 's name , what have the police been doing all these weeks ? ’
9 John Seer , who 's Fire Protection Officer at Oxfordshire 's Fire Brigade , says had the dump been set alight it could have endangered life .
10 It is nonetheless a matter of deep regret that the Board has had to depart from this project and that the first of these care centres on Whalsay , which would have been opened in November nineteen ninety one had the agreement been left unaltered , was still not open at the beginning of this month .
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