Example sentences of "the [noun] and [vb pp] a " in BNC.

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1 Liam Herbert , one of the shortest players on the pitch , rose above the defenders and placed a fine header past keeper Duncan Green to make it one nil .
2 A similar incident occurred with me in 1983 between Australia and Argentina from even further out from the goal-line , and on that occasion I felt Australia would definitely have scored a try but for a deliberate knock-on by the defenders and awarded a penalty try .
3 Fowler was taken into the kitchen and given a chair to one side of the cooking range while Jordan sat opposite him .
4 that the original outline application retain the bungalow and built a house towards the rear of the site .
5 I went up the shops and changed a pound .
6 And the parties could fulfil their promises only if they presented a uniform program to the electorate and achieved a cohesive majority in the House of Commons to carry through that program .
7 The best made by far was the Ricoll and given a set of decently engraved keytops this would rate very highly as a direct replacement system and is also quite attractively priced .
8 Within half an hour he had contacted those he trusted on the council and given a good account as to why he should fill the vacant seat .
9 What actually happened was that a colleague of mine , Dave Walton and I , got together to look at a rather esoteric aspect of molecular motion , thinking of making molecules which were very , very long and had very simple structure but could have perhaps erm very complicated what we call dynamic motion , but there was some very good chemistry involved and we erm put this project together for the Sussex Chemistry Bithesis programme , and erm the student who took on this particular project , Alexander , spent two years learning how to do the synthesis and developed a lot of ability in this area ; he also learned how to do the spectroscopic experiments and studied the analysis of molecular motion , and he was able to do this on top of the course work that he did , and in fact this particular project and Alexander , who did the work himself , and the subsequent exciting sort of repercussions of the project have all made me a rather firm believer in the course here , and that in fact undergraduates can do research and also that it 's a very good training for the future .
10 And churning and the carrying water for er for to for for the household and needed a lot of water when you were churning to wash the the butter properly .
11 As long as Keynes pitched his arguments for credit expansion within the bounds of orthodoxy , he dominated the proceedings of the Committee and achieved a degree of consensus .
12 So achieving Marchbanks was a gradual and thoughtful affair — I remember being taken aside by the director and given a whole day after we had been rehearsing for two weeks and simply talking together about the play and about ourselves which was the real making of the part over the next weeks of final rehearsal .
13 The letter was brief , and couched in the most guarded terms ; it reported a half-yearly profit to the end of December , but also added that there had been some deterioration in the product and requested a fresh consignment , preferably of foreign origin .
14 Mobutu resigned as chairman of the MPR and appointed a Prime Minister ( First State Commissioner ) as head of government .
15 Earlier Bernie Slaven had hit the post and seen a shot cleared off the line and a corner from Walker had struck the bar .
16 [ Valerie Way ] was offered the point and given a brief to examine the transfer procedures of parents when children change from primary school to McGregor , to explore the opportunities possible .
17 Over the past few days he had fished a little with Burkett , been to Crosthwaite Church , laid a light siege to the maid Christine , cast out a few nightlines about the town and done a calculated amount of promenading .
18 Grandad was the gardener and planted a lot of fruit trees , including gooseberry , blackcurrant , plum and loganberry for the jam-making .
19 Navy News is widely read both inside and outside the service and achieved a circulation of 100,000 in the mid-1980s .
20 It had struck the wall and disturbed a line of three china ducks .
21 Huddle the painter had scraped the wall and begun a new fresco , his first church painting .
22 Three North Koreans were killed and two South Korean soldiers wounded after a heavily armed North Korean patrol was said to have infiltrated the DMZ and encountered a South Korean unit .
23 Drago applied his fingers to some of the strings and adjusted a turnkey on the end of one of the tusks .
24 He cleared away the grass and disclosed a narrow opening descending into the darkness .
25 Frowning , she went over to the cabinet and selected a batch of disks .
26 In the second half , Thame came more in to the game and created a couple of chances , however in the sixty fifth minute , Sean Liden won the ball on the halfway line , his long ball found Gary Weaving who turned and placed a low shot past Mayhew to make it one nil .
27 The attack on the Harper and Harper store in Northgate , Darlington , happened exactly a week after raiders smashed their way into the store and loaded a van with three piece suites .
28 They returned to the Grand Hotel , ascended together to Harvey 's room on the second floor , drew the curtains and placed a bedside lamp on the floor .
29 Although initial reports had suggested that delegates were divided over key issues pertaining to site inspections and verification , the meeting agreed to strengthen measures to enforce the treaty and delegated a working group to study the feasibility of monitoring mechanisms .
30 The authorities seemed to adopt a dual approach to the anniversary ; on the one hand they launched a massive security operation in the city and detained a number of potential trouble makers , but on the other hand they attempted to portray an image of leniency by releasing groups of pro-democracy activists who had been arrested in 1989 .
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