Example sentences of "the [noun] [adv prt] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I bus-hopped down to Covent Garden to start putting the feelers out for Werewolf .
2 He does n't understand at all , children say things to him at school he 's very mixed up i 'm going to have to seek a lot of help for all the children.He asked me : ’ Am I going to get the bike back for Mark and Thomas to ride on the child 's seat ? ’
3 Once an action becomes defended there is to be a fixed period within which the parties will be required either to set the case down for trial , on the assumption that it has not been settled or been otherwise disposed of , or to report to the court .
4 Having given an opportunity to the parties to be heard , the master or district judge will be able to make an ‘ unless ’ order to the effect that the case be struck out unless particular steps are taken within a particular time , or will be able to set the case down for trial .
5 We have n't had the computer on for ages have we ?
6 It is also guaranteeing mortgages at 1 per cent below the normal interest rate , for endowment or pension-linked policies , on several of the houses up for sale , an interesting and innovative service for would-be bidders ( mortgage surveys will already have been undertaken for these houses ) .
7 5 of the bulls up for auction were from the Lower Hope estate near Leominster .
8 I do n't understand , it says Spillers is on the look out for Britain 's twelve most appealing dogs to appear on the Prime calendar nineteen ninety three .
9 ‘ Russian Souls ’ are ‘ unsure , doubting , vulnerable , continually on the look out for deception ’ and are frightened by choice .
10 In recent years , partly as a result of exposure to the American literature and partly because of a desire to adopt a tough-minded approach towards power , British social and political scientists have increasingly been on the look out for signs of a similar system in Britain .
11 Always be on the look out for signs that something might be wrong , especially when the weather is cold .
12 Divide variegated perennials with great care and be on the look out for reversion to maintain a variegated display of interest and contrast to the lush green foliage of summer planting .
13 It is very important that you are always on the look out for safety hazards in the Home .
14 Retailers are always on the look out for ideas to attract customers and encourage them to buy more .
15 Graham Bowstead , Bob Hodgson and Ray Cargill , all Englishmen , had been working for William Lee in London but were on the look out for opportunities to branch out on their own .
16 As the council is entitled to send the bill to the owner , many decide at this stage to put the building up for sale and usually a buyer quickly comes forward .
17 THESE are the trophies up for grabs in our 1992 Daily Mirror National Allotments Awards .
18 He hit V1 ( the speed at which a takeoff can not be aborted ) at 97 knots and pulled the stick back for rotation at 106 knots .
19 It has three ingredients : the retention of a face-to-face critical dialogue between the course team and a review panel ; the inclusion in the panel of some members external to the institution ; and the incorporation of panel members internal to the institution , usually from disciplines other than that of the course up for review .
20 Mr Stant of course , used to knock the goals in for Hereford and they could do with some of his sharpshooting right now .
21 You do n't put the roof down for air , you turn the air-conditioning on . ’
22 These came to light when a couple brought the album in for valuation without knowing the artist 's identity .
23 The time limit for setting the action down for trial runs from close of pleadings so that it is possible to set the action down the day after the plaintiff 's solicitor sends off his list of documents .
24 When Gloria had got over the first shock of Saul 's horrifying death , she put the warehouse up for sale , together with the contents of the ship-chandlers shop on the ground floor , confident that she would soon find a purchaser .
25 As ever , the amp is fan-cooled ; with the 3500 head I had expressed reservations about not being able to switch the fan off for recording , but John Henry 's insisted that it really would n't pose a problem in either DI 'd or close-miking situations .
26 For very form 's sake , and because , after all , Stair was his brother , he had stayed with the party through one act of a musical comedy at the Gaiety Theatre where they had made so much noise that their departure at the first interval must have pleased the audience which they had left behind , had gone to Quaggers — Quaglino 's — to dine — which meant drink — in a private room , and were now on their way to crown their evening 's pleasure by ‘ Pushing the boat out for Havvie ’ , Stair 's witticism .
27 He said he hoped to get the boat back for Cowes Week .
28 For reasons unknown , Adderly ceased production and put the mill up for sale .
29 Told Mrs Hope to pull all the stops out for lunch tomorrow .
30 But she had only ever pulled the stops out for people she loved and respected .
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