Example sentences of "the [noun] [v-ing] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Having said that , though , there is undoubtedly something wild and magnificent about an institution quite as cussed , mercurial and downright weird as the NME making it through four decades of turbulent cultural and commercial waters .
2 This word universal is never the name of anything existent in nature , nor of any idea or phantasm found in the mind [ my italics ] , but always the name of some word or name ; so that when a living creature , a stone , a spirit , or any other thing , is said to be universal , it is not to be understood that any man , stone etc. , ever was or can be universal , but only that the words , living creature , stone , etc. , are universal names , that is , names common to many things ; and the conceptions answering them in the mind are the images and phantasms of several living creatures or other things .
3 The animal began to gnaw at the ropes binding her to the altar .
4 Maxim did his best to shrug inside the ropes wrapping him to the chair .
5 When the goods have been dispatched , the manufacturer sends an advice note to the retailer informing him of the date and time of dispatch .
6 We see the struggle asserting itself in the preface to his poem ‘ The Glass Dog ’ ( Flowers for Hitler ) :
7 And as if Ontario was n't pretty enough of a picture , there are the galleries showing everything from the avant-garde to Old Masters .
8 One of these took Venturous to the Bristol Channel and the South Wales ' ports , and a later one was made to the north of Scotland with the Board joining us at Aberdeen .
9 A few seconds later he was followed by Rocky 's rig , the chains linking it to the ruined gates having been released from its rear axle by Springfield .
10 As I write , Washington is taking a second look at a once-derided theory , which maintains that the Reagan-Bush campaign made a private deal with Iran in 1980 ; the Iranians keeping the American hostages until after the election and the Reaganites rewarding them with heavy weapons as the price of Jimmy Carter 's pelt .
11 This is a statement of law as it should be , rather than as it is , but there is nothing to stop the courts developing it in this direction .
12 An oriental Korean card game , played for points with the computer facing you as the opponent .
13 There was a moment 's hesitation , then the boy 's prints were flashed up on the screen , the computer superimposing them over the others .
14 Secondly , existing paper documents could be scanned into the computer enabling them to be further processed without the necessity of reproducing the original .
15 Your eyes narrow against the claws gripping you by the scruff of the neck until you let your hook of anger go .
16 ‘ When a dealing is had between a seller like Mr. Lewis and a person who is actually there present before him , then the presumption in law is that there is a contract , even though there is a fraudulent impersonation by the buyer representing himself as a different man than he is .
17 Another young man in nothing but a tan lay on the deck watching her through sunglasses .
18 A speaker had been set in one of the trees , like some modernistic bird's-nest , and Sara noticed the long snaky trail of the cable connecting it with the hi-fi in the house .
19 The car plunged into the ocean in the Bahamas and was seen emerging off Corsica — with an ordinary sweeping brush covering up the tell tale tracks in the sand left by the cable pulling it from the sea .
20 Some black speakers carry this use over into English : me 's all for the Argentinians bombing them up me say " I agree with you "
21 But Edward was stunned last week to receive an abrupt letter from the DoE accusing him of ‘ damaging ’ their land and threatening to take him to court .
22 Then they left the building muttering something about justice .
23 Quickly I hurled two magical fireballs , both hit the creature of the night square in the chest reducing him to a pile of smouldering bones .
24 Quickly I hurled two magical fireballs , both hit the creature of the night square in the chest reducing him to a pile of smouldering bones .
25 He subsequently received a personal letter from the A.O.C. congratulating him on his persistence in continuing to attack the bomber when under attack himself .
26 It seemed that the thread linking me to those with whom I was familiar was inherently insubstantial .
27 For ten minutes he becomes a wandering minstrel , illuminated by the bass-player following him with a torch from the stage .
28 She could lie in bed at night and in imagination move confidently around the cottage touching them in a happy exploration of shared memories and reassurance .
29 The meadow began to mushroom with tents and huts and the street theatre erupted into an explosion of living history , the performers flinging themselves to the ground and then leaping into the air as and when the idea occurred and making funny faces all the while .
30 The descant accompanying it for fifty years had been one of complaint .
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