Example sentences of "the [noun] [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 but with four minutes to go United went and blew it all … the defence tied themselves in knots and Paul Trollope banged in an equaliser … 1-1 hard luck Hereford
2 Although some lesbians exploited the opportunity to distance themselves from dirty , dangerous male sexuality , a vastly disproportionate number devoted themselves to AIDS work .
3 In time , however , learners and trained staff welcome the opportunity to see themselves as others see them , and endeavour to improve their skills .
4 The tournament though , in giving some of our hopefuls the opportunity to assess themselves against quality foreign opposition , delivers some harsh truths .
5 The MPIs too could benefit from closer contacts with universities : older members who have passed their first flush of creativity would have the opportunity to refresh themselves by teaching , at the same time attracting new young people .
6 Elaborate wood and iron work , overhanging eaves , portes cochères , and all sorts of architectural ornamentation all conveyed a sense of the romance of travel , identified the station as landmark , and offered the various companies the opportunity to distinguish themselves by particular ‘ house ’ characteristics .
7 For the man without interest , the opportunity to distinguish himself in action , and thus by securing mentions in despatches to attract the attention of the Admiralty , was a harder road to advancement .
8 As his army approached close to the walls of Toulouse itself the townspeople seized the opportunity to emancipate themselves from comital authority .
9 I should happily give way — if it were in my power to do so — to give them the opportunity to dissociate themselves from that appalling motion .
10 No academic libraries since the time of the Travelling Workshops Experiment have successfully applied the strategy and it is most unlikely that illuminative evaluation ‘ in toto ’ will ever get the opportunity to prove itself in academic user education , largely because of the lack of time to pursue it in full .
11 The opportunity to retrieve herself by usefulness came to Nicandra almost immediately — Lalage was back with them , downcast , apologetic .
12 to give children the opportunity to express themselves through a variety of approaches including descriptive , imaginative and creative poetry and prose .
13 These are very popular on the continent and a number of players take advantage of the opportunity to match themselves against the professional to see just how good their game is over 72 holes of stroke play .
14 I suggest that you take the opportunity to introduce yourself to who is Senior Waterkeeper at Gladhouse .
15 ‘ Well , it 's not often the majority express themselves without some prompting from the shop stewards , ’ the convener replied , ‘ but in this instance the reaction was instantaneous .
16 Under normal circumstances , understudies would be expected to attend all the rehearsals to familiarise themselves with the production , but , because Alex and Charles knew the play so well , they were given a dispensation to take most of the first week off , which would save both them and their replacements the embarrassment of the early stumbling rehearsals while the newcomers were trying to memorise the lines .
17 The monkey won after the experts buried themselves in their portfolios while the chimp , called Ola , threw darts at names of companies listed on the Stockholm exchange .
18 In his ecstasy , the worshipper saw himself as a satyr and " as a satyr , in turn , he saw his god " .
19 ‘ He put his foot between the two bottom rungs of the ladder and then caught at the upright to save himself from staggering .
20 With the publication of what was his most important work apart from the Idées , namely the Extinction du Paupérisme , the Prince showed himself to be aware of the grave socio-economic problems which afflicted the mass of the French people ; to whom he now offered a solution .
21 The wizard pulled himself across the floor , painfully , and whispered , ‘ What the hell was that ? ’
22 On the one hand medicine is seen as a body of scientific knowledge and as a set of techniques , for which the GP feels himself to be relatively poorly equipped .
23 We see the struggle asserting itself in the preface to his poem ‘ The Glass Dog ’ ( Flowers for Hitler ) :
24 Vincent would soon see the struggle to turn himself into what he called a Peasant painter as his prime aim .
25 In winter the chestnut-seller installed himself at the edge of the market .
26 Inside , the heart repeats itself like a sleepy gong ,
27 The royal ritual was closely associated with the history of Osiris , the divine prototype on whom the pharaohs modelled themselves by re-enacting his traditional deeds .
28 In Lectio , therefore , God revealed himself and in Oratio the monk offered himself to God .
29 Why in such a case should the courts blind themselves to a clear indication of what Parliament intended in using those words ?
30 It was not until the 1960s that the courts rid themselves of the most debilitating restraints of formalism and assumed a more active supervisory role .
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