Example sentences of "the [noun] [noun] ask for " in BNC.

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1 An article will be published in the C.B News asking for assistance , not necessarily on a full time , regular basis .
2 A deeper allegiance than his love for the children of the Anglo-Irish landlord he had worked for since he was a homeless lad knocking at the kitchen door to ask for a cup of tea and an odd job .
3 from the Personnel department asking for details of what I was offering because the medical reports had now gone to the medical officer .
4 The class also used the mailbox facility to ask for brochures which were sent to the school .
5 It was probably unconnected , but the superintendent nurse asked for an extra scrubber for the male side , and the temporary appointment was approved .
6 The artillery Colonel asked for permission to return the fire , but the Prince ordered him to wait till the enemy infantry was in sight .
7 Did Tolkien go on from the exploitation of occasional scenes to the manipulation of plot , the creation of recognisably symbolic characters , the thing the TLS reviewer asked for so plaintively , ‘ a clear message for the modern world ’ ?
8 Make a separate list of your own of the words children ask for while they are writing .
9 None of the new group members felt able to take on the job at present and it was agreed that David should write to the Management Committee to ask for further suggestions .
10 Liverpool Liberal Democrat MP David Alton has written to the Home Secretary asking for a night watchman and better policing around the grounds of St Anne 's School in Overbury Street , Edge Hill , Liverpool .
11 Question type : ( a ) the question part asks for assessment " How far were …
12 At last I felt I must take action , and I went to the Establishment Branch to ask for a transfer .
13 That is why the IAEA approached France and the United Kingdom asking for assistance in removing the material and making it safe in specialised facilities .
14 The development officers asked for references , and interviewed everyone before employing them .
15 Wigs were out of the question because of the cost , and most of the changes John asked for in the designs were for simplicity in making and comfort in wearing .
16 We were so worried by the Oldie editor 's eccentric behaviour , we sent off letters to the agony aunts to ask for their help
17 Only months after its release , the advertisements appeared in the ‘ musicians wanted ’ sections of the music papers asking for people influenced by The Wedding Present .
18 A letter was sent to the church council asking for the tea to be reserved from nine thirty until sixteen thirty on the days of the ladies open , fourth of August .
19 Thus a note might reach the union committee asking for exemption from the quarterly meeting ( to avoid a fine ) such as the one from Mrs K. who in 1922 said " I wish to be exempt from Society meetings as I have to attend to my children in the evenings " .
20 But Paddington did find a note on the door step asking for two extra pints and things .
21 Graham 's appearance brought her out of her reverie and they walked the short distance to the station , where she approached the information desk to ask for directions to the stationmaster 's office .
22 ‘ We are about to really start approaching businesses in the Darlington area to ask for money or help in kind , ’ said Robin .
23 The police driver asked for her documents but the woman explained , with a pleasant smile that they were at her home nearby .
24 As for the possibility of showing him , you will have to speak to the Kennel Club to ask for their permission .
25 Did the Lady Eleanor ask for them ? ’
26 The strain of conducting frontier warfare against the French and their Indian allies , without assistance from the south , forced the Massachusetts assembly to ask for help from England in terms that showed a reasonable willingness to co-operate with policy laid down in London .
27 I therefore cabled the Burma Section of the India Office asking for a loan of £1000 to publish the book as it stood in Burmese , also a much shorter book , and finally a leaflet giving the gist of its arguments .
28 It starts with the systems analyst asking for the detailed requirements of the user .
29 The railway was close to the turnpike road down the Onny valley in several places and the Turnpike Trustees asked for screens to be provided in 3 locations .
30 All the senior police officers were down with flu — so the Chief Constable asked for his aid .
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