Example sentences of "the [noun] [verb] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The carpenter looked at him , then at Benedicta and , throwing back his head , laughed hysterically until the porter struck him across the face .
2 He 's in the dressing room next door and , after sorting himself out , he knocked and joined me in mine , giving me the opportunity to ask him about his illness .
3 I wish that Deane was scoring 3 a match — but I have nt had the opportunity to see him in action recently .
4 You filthy stinking — ’ Several Repo Men took the opportunity to club him to his knees .
5 I trust that at some stage I will have the opportunity to tax him on the curious proposal that legislation which increases the wage bill of companies does not necessarily increase the costs of those companies and therefore can be regarded as having nil effect on their competitiveness .
6 He gave the union leaders the opportunity to tell him in a forthright manner where they thought he was going wrong with his policies and he in turn did some pretty plain talking about what he saw as their shortcomings .
7 Grateful to be spared the unsettling power of that dark gaze , Ronni took the opportunity to study him for a moment .
8 The majority revere him in spite of all he 's done , ’ said a US official .
9 In the event , Tyndale 's unorthodox beliefs and his lack of support for the annulment prevented him from having any direct impact on royal policy .
10 But when the RSPCA found him in January , he was in a starved condition , his ribs and hip bones showing through , and his back legs hardly able to support him .
11 The Prince patted him on the back .
12 De Craon was sitting in a high-backed chair near the window , a small scroll of parchment on his lap , apparently waiting for the Prince to summon him to an audience .
13 Maxim did his best to shrug inside the ropes wrapping him to the chair .
14 When the goods have been dispatched , the manufacturer sends an advice note to the retailer informing him of the date and time of dispatch .
15 The trial unmasked him as a complete charlatan and , in the words of one detective , ‘ as close to being the perfect rapist as you could get ’ .
16 The Board dismissed him for allegedly failing in his duties to teach junior doctors .
17 The board dismissed him for ‘ gross misconduct and gross professional negligence ’ and is still considering legal steps to recover the cash .
18 She had not the heart to embarrass him by refusing a request so diffidently expressed .
19 The archbishop of Besançon was summoned through the bishop of Langres ( an intentional slight ) for allowing papal messengers to be captured ; the bishop of Speyer on the same grounds and also for sending one messenger to the gallows ; the archbishop of Tarentaise for crowning Philip ; and the bishop of Passau , who had probably been the draughtsman of the Staufen protest , had a long series of charges brought against him — he had not delivered two million marks to the king of Hungary , he had not paid back the money given him by Richard I for his release — indeed , his crimes were so great , the letter said , that he could have been punished without trial .
20 Presentation Mary and Joseph take Jesus to the Temple to present him to God as required by Jewish law ( Exodus 13:1–16 ) .
21 The rye hid him from the French rankers , and only those officers on horseback could see the Rifleman over the tall crop .
22 Suddenly , to the Collector 's astonishment , the Padre gripped him by the throat and shouted : " A matter of opinion !
23 Nieto was walking alongside the touchline when a ball kicked from within the field hit him in the face , breaking his glasses .
24 The Germans evacuated him to Athens then to Salonika .
25 The Economist interviewed him in a chintzy suite at Claridge 's .
26 People were very angry when Admiral Byng failed to attack the French at Minorca , and the decision to execute him for cowardice was exactly what the public wanted .
27 Tommy Gilmour , Clinton 's manager , said last night : ‘ Pat had tried to go through the pain barrier and keep his injury from me but I have taken the decision to withdraw him after consultation with an orthopaedic surgeon . ’
28 It would have been nice , however , if the band had informed Gannon of the decision to fire him before the rumours spread through the Mancunian underground .
29 He was an Apostle and a prizeman , though his zeal as president of the Union condemned him to a second in part ii ( 1904 ) after a first in part i ( 1902 ) of the classical tripos .
30 The gang assaulted him during the drive to Rickmansworth in Hertfordshire , then threw him out of the car .
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