Example sentences of "the [noun] [adv] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They may potter round at about £70,000 or £80,000 , then a sudden large donation takes the income up to £140,000 .
2 They came from all over Gloucestershire for a typical Victorian day out … a trip on a steamer to the seaside resort of Ilfracombe.Six hundred and fifty climbed aboard the Balmoral at Lydney dock … making the most of the chance of a lifetime.After all the last pleasure boat to attract the crowds down to Lydney dock for a trip to Devon was the paddle steamer Ravenswood in 1893 .
3 This debate caused a reaction in the direction opposite to Frank 's .
4 " The Governors could not recommend the change over to Rugby Football from Association , as the traditions of the School must be maintained . "
5 While cost cutting elsewhere , Wear Valley will give the clubs up to £8,000 apiece to help meet new League ground regulations with the proper proviso that they first raise a similar amount themselves .
6 After a few heart-stopping moments the old engine coughed into life , and he managed to accelerate the loaded vehicle through the flames out to safety .
7 The caddies ' prizes for the 18 entrants were £1 , for the winner down to 2s. 0d. , and a club supplied by the Professional for the best behaved caddie .
8 Tickets for the Opens are £10 , with entry £30 for the big-money Classic , which promises £1,500 to the winner down to £100 for seventh , and 16 £50 section prizes .
9 Mr Major won a decisive Commons majority for the ratification Bill , despite another Tory rebellion in the year-long battle with his party 's Euro-sceptics to steer the measure through to law .
10 Soon they become aware that the train is engaged on a steady climb , this section being popularly known as the Long Drag ; beyond Horton in Ribblesdale Station interest tends to flag a little as the outlook from the windows becomes more austere on the pull up to Ribblehead .
11 She was out every evening , sometimes staying away all night and coming back in the afternoon only to tart herself up for the next evening away .
12 Before he saw Nicandra alone on the stand , he had noticed a different kind of tension ; it was in the bar , where Andrew was having a drink with Lalage , while now , he guessed , Nicandra would be getting the money on to Lalage 's horse .
13 Along with Siemens Italia SpA president Giorgio Scanavacca , Italian legal authorities arrested Davide Giacalone , former advisor to Oscar Mammi , former minister of post and telecom , on bribery charges : Giacalone is charged with having accepted $5.3m from Giuseppe Parrella , former managing director of ASST , Azienda Telefonica dello Stato SpA , in the minister 's study ; Giacalone has already told the police that he passed the money on to representatives of the Republican party ; for his part , the former PTT minister declared his innocence : ‘ That I was involved in a history of billion-lire bribes is as unfounded as it is untrue — at whatever moment the magistrates tell me it is necessary to investigate my accounts , I will liberate myself immediately from parliamentary immunity , ’ he said .
14 He drew it each Friday when he drew the men 's wages but he never handed the money over to Sarah until Saturday morning when she was off to do the shopping . ’
15 It would be wrong to give the money back to Mr Hellyer and terrible to tell Dad .
16 Several hundred Kurds picketed the Home Office in protest at the continuing detentions and the deportations back to Turkey where they are said to face oppression and torture .
17 The historic decision came after Attorney-General Sir Nicholas Lyell referred the case back to Court of Appeal on the grounds that the sentence was ‘ unduly lenient ’ .
18 The judge refused to refer the case back to magistrates .
19 Today I was following not the valley path of the corpse way but the pathway to Keld that runs above Northgang Scar from which the views across to Black Hill and up to Swinner Gill are wonderful .
20 It 's smashing walking along this track because it 's firm underfoot and the views back to Malham and over to Great Scar and Attermire are worth nine out of ten in anybody 's book .
21 He was frowning as he took the victor downstairs to Harry .
22 An experienced headhunter could narrow the field down to short-list stage much more quickly and cost-effectively , Tagg argued .
23 We had cycled on the road from Bodø to Fauske and on the Sulitjelma ; pushed the bikes over to Sorjusjaure ; ridden and swum our way to Staloluokta within the Padjelanta National Park ; and then thrashed our way on the faster tracks through Arasluokuoktastugorna , Låddejåkkåstugana and Kisurisstugan to Akkastugorna and a ferry to Ritjemokk , before cycling by road to Vietas ; and gone by plane to Sitastugan at the north-west end of Sitasjaure .
24 Generally the results from these studies can be interpreted in terms of Easterbrook 's hypothesis , however , before applying the hypothesis indiscriminately to memory results it is necessary to remember the limitations of the hypothesis with regards to task performance generally .
25 Day Five : Have an early breakfast then all too soon it will be time to catch the train back to the Hook of Holland for the crossing back to Harwich and onward rail journey to London , where your arrival time will be approximately 9 p.m .
26 Officers were yesterday interviewing the woman , and Inspector Barry Jakeman appealed to anyone who was at Farley Mount in the hour up to midnight to contact police .
27 The Council has a policy now of bringing all its properties up to date , but priority because they 're , bringing the houses up to date will take some eight years , priority is given to elderly citizens and people with medical needs .
28 The reason for caution is the ‘ Kinnock kebab ’ : for earners on twice average income the prospective marginal tax rates will be unprecedented and the decision not to phase in the changes slowly will mean a quick fall in discretionary spending .
29 Tory sources insist that Mr Major is leaving the decision up to backbenchers , who will be sounded out over the next few days .
30 The US flew in CH-47 Chinook helicopters to transport the prisoners back to Saudi Arabia .
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