Example sentences of "the [noun] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Generally , once a settlor has put property into a settlement he will have alienated the income therefrom for income tax purposes for the period that it is held in trust .
2 I only just managed to get it down before bolting from the tent just in time to get rid of the contents of my stomach .
3 The proximity of the College to London with its many places of interest offers the opportunity also for family parties as there will be a limited number of places available for this purpose .
4 After spending considerable effort getting the boiler back into working order it was important to give it a steam test , obtain an insurance certificate and get it back on the chassis so that it could be used to haul trains .
5 Burning pains better ( > ) for heat is very characteristic of this remedy as is the weakness out of proportion to the illness .
6 ‘ We had it fitted out in the States , changed it for the case provided by the Pentagon just before take-off last night . ’
7 What is now holding sway in the super-ego is , as it were , a pure culture of the death instincts , and in fact it often enough succeeds in driving the ego into death , if the latter does not fend off its tyrant in time by the change round into mania .
8 They are supposed to lead the change both by example and by exhortation .
9 ‘ I joined the refinery straight from university , never having been anywhere near the place before , and within ten weeks I was actually in charge of my own shift .
10 Scares the shit out of guide dogs .
11 I soon had the bike back in working order and if the distances were n't too great , I would ride while the others rode in the van .
12 The conference was to discuss the programmes currently under production as part of the documentary series .
13 After a few heart-stopping moments the old engine coughed into life , and he managed to accelerate the loaded vehicle through the flames out to safety .
14 MILLWALL boss Mick McCarthy was angry with the sending off of teenager Andy Roberts in the 1–0 defeat at Bristol Rovers .
15 In circumstances which must be explained at a later stage the appeal is before the Board both by leave of the Court of Appeal in Hong Kong and by special leave granted by the Board itself .
16 It is this action that levels the board out in flight and makes a small hop into a controlled jump .
17 Farmworkers fear for their future if the Board now under government review is scrapped .
18 The Hunter first saw RAF service with 43 Sqn based at RAF Leuchars and the video contains a large amount of colour film from the 1950s showing Hunters serving with the RAF along with footage of those in service with the Belgian Air Force .
19 I went to the cinema not for entertainment , but for cinematography .
20 Wheelchair users are welcome at all performances , with level access to both screens — but please telephone the cinema well in advance .
21 The managers become a self-selecting body and cease to be effectively monitored by the shareholders once in office .
22 Mr Major won a decisive Commons majority for the ratification Bill , despite another Tory rebellion in the year-long battle with his party 's Euro-sceptics to steer the measure through to law .
23 The owner of ‘ The Hollybush ’ at Elstree proposed to infill an original coach arch in the pub 's facade and to demolish the timber framed side walls of the passageway behind in order to form a larger and open interior , even though it was this feature that distinguished the building as an historic inn .
24 She was out every evening , sometimes staying away all night and coming back in the afternoon only to tart herself up for the next evening away .
25 They swilled gin in the afternoon out of jelly jars and swallowed sedatives .
26 But if nothing really changes , what is the Premier League for , except to hog the money previously on offer to football as a whole ?
27 Er , and I 'd forgotten to take the money up before Christmas so it was still here yesterday .
28 The County Council reallocates resources from things that it sells into things like new build , new schools ; if we sell a piece of a playing field or whatever , then we will put , plough the money back into capital resources within the education service somewhere else .
29 If it 's under a thousand pounds , you ca n't get the money back through funding , and the policy is void .
30 If you wan na take the money out of education , housing , and sweeping and cleaning the streets , then we could have it in Social Services .
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