Example sentences of "in [v-ing] up [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 In drawing up this manifesto , we have begun from where Britain is today .
2 ‘ I played my part in building up that side but Nigel has improved it .
3 In building up this database we are initially asking major groups to complete a questionnaire that informs us about what services they provide .
4 As will be described below , the leader of the Serbian communists , Slobodan Milošević , has played a major part in whipping up anti-Albanian feeling in Kosovo .
5 Young fans found a new ‘ hooligan ’ identity created for them by journalists with a vested interest in whipping up public indignation .
6 Provided a mains transformer has a single primary winding there should be no difficulty in wiring up this section of the supply .
7 Perhaps the key figure in opening up that debate , and reviving the issue of the franchise , was John Bright , at least before Gladstone 's conversion to the cause .
8 Kemp has performed a valuable service in opening up this area .
9 Once , the Harvard training officer allowed a dealer to visit a wealthy businessman who had expressed an interest in picking up Hard Rock Cafe shares , ( as he had contacts there ) but only if they could meet up .
10 If he succeeds in stirring up tabloid backing again with ‘ the people 's champion against the gin-and-tonic brigade ’ , the theme of 1984 , then Yorkshire are in for another incendiary winter .
11 The combative quality of these expressions has the effect , it might be argued , that those who couch their racialist observations in moderate language commit no offence , even though it might be likely to result in stirring up racial hatred .
12 In Chapter 9 we discuss some of the arguments which have been put forward to suggest that British companies are likely to be slower than their international competitors in taking up new technology based products and production processes .
13 Systematic manipulation of information in films of the type used in Studies 2 , 3 and 4 , however , is not possible , firstly because of the difficulty in setting up appropriate driving situations for filming and secondly because it is not yet clear exactly which details are the important ones .
14 I have asked to take the lead in setting up Commercial Division .
15 This is followed by frenzied activity on the part of the band in setting up some sort of show , usually in London with all the expense that that entails , only for the big day to arrive to find that A&R have sent a tea boy ( resplendent in his raincoat ) and not the ‘ man ’ .
16 I feel very proud that Dounreay has had a two year advantage in setting up this system . ’
17 ‘ You , I take it , had a hand in setting up this mission ?
18 It had been reported on April 22 that between 700 and 900 armed Iraqi police had moved into the area in defiance of a ban by allied forces engaged in setting up Kurdish refugee camps .
19 As yet there have been few large-scale studies of technicians involved in scaling up genetic engineering processes .
20 Erm , Mr Brighton was was critical of the County Council in just using the residual method to determine the size of the new settlement , er and then in in backing up that justification erm referred to work that is included in in Barton Willmore 's proof , I 've I have read this survey work quite carefully , and my understanding of it is is that erm by un undertaking a survey of settlements in the county , they have established , albeit f f f for information purposes only , a population threshold for a particular type of service , erm , in in the North Yorkshire context , erm the implication I I understand from that is is that that is being used to justify a fourteen hundred figure or or whatever it is to achieve the level of services that would would be required for a a balanced integrated community to use the words for the guidance .
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