Example sentences of "in [v-ing] [pers pn] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 She is mistaken in accusing me of that .
2 Anybody who is interested in helping them in either capacity should phone Mrs. Noakes on Petersfield 263749 .
3 I had considerable difficulty in dissuading him from this course and only did so when I was able to convince him that , far from assisting Aitken , it would damage his cause .
4 My brother and I shared a room for a while but we soon had a partition put in allowing us to each have our separate rooms .
5 Wooing first John and then Richard , Philip succeeded in keeping them at each other 's throats , or at Henry 's coat-tails , for several more years .
6 Or do you not see any point in keeping them at all ? is the number to dial .
7 In many respects deconstruction has not been avidly employed in analysing Renaissance texts and there is a certain contradiction in employing it in this study .
8 The Directive 's provisions are also so flexible , because of the difficulty in reaching a consensus among the member states and commentators , that there are grave doubts about whether there is any point in adopting them at all .
9 He should neither do damage to Mr. Jones , nor be slow in warning him of any impending danger ; fornication , marriage , gambling and the haunting of taverns or playhouses was strictly proscribed , and generally a monastic restraint was to be observed in all things .
10 It was in meeting him on this ground that the British came closest to responding to him as a worthy adversary .
11 The office gossip had been quite useful in reassuring him on that point , and he had been able to view the uncomfortable ride in the lift with them in an encouraging new light .
12 The law is therefore most unfair to victims of negligence ; in limiting them in this way it totally ignores the reality of the situation .
13 He patented in 1870 a wheeled ‘ apparatus for affording protection from bullets and other missiles ’ , but did not succeed in selling it to any of Europe 's warring armies .
14 For , whatever else , she would not marry Havvie Blaine now , and she would lose no time in informing him of that fact .
15 Extreme care should therefore be taken in prescribing them at all : if the recipient has addictive disease these drugs will make it worse .
16 That this ‘ fourth channel ’ was the last available national channel transformed it into a very valuable national resource and , consequently , there has always been some concern lest one make a terrible ‘ mistake ’ in allocating it to some unworthy body or organization .
17 So you can understand what a sacrifice it is your father is making in sending you to this school .
18 And as Mary Douglas ( 1973 : 15 ) had pointed out , ‘ if we can not bring the argument back from tribal ethnography to ourselves , then there is little point in starting it at all ’ .
19 I thought at the time that her absent luncheon companion must have been a boorish character , and even the greatest friends of Randolph Churchill would find difficulty in defending him from this charge .
20 There was clearly a close friendship between them , and the Office gives a moving account of his efficacy in curing her of some kind of fit : He came and found her mute , but when he had seated himself at her window and they had eaten together , it chanced that at the end of the dinner the recluse wished to sleep , and oppressed by slumber her head drooped towards the window where God 's saint , Richard , was reclining , and as she was leaning a litle on that same Richard , suddenly , with a vehement onslaught , such a grave vexation took her in her sleep that she seemed to wish to break the window of her house , and in that strong vexation she awoke , her speech was restored , and with great devotion she broke out into the words " Gloria tibi Domine " , and the blessed Richard completed the verse which she had begun .
21 ‘ Let me not tire of thanking you , ’ he wrote , ‘ for your mercy in rescuing me from all my wicked ways . ’
22 Garfinkel 's interest is not in whether they are right or wrong in perceiving it in this way , but rather in how they come to perceive it in this way , and what effect this perception has on their actions .
23 There is no point in involving me in this regrettable matter . ’
24 There was perhaps a better chance of enlisting the reader 's belief in Ayesha in involving her with that most believable hero , Allan Quatermain .
25 Here again , student counsellors in college may help in talking you through such problems .
26 ‘ I meant in spotting them at all .
27 I will therefore follow Althusser 's associate , Etienne Balibar — who gives the clearest and fullest exposition of this idea — in discussing it with this sort of example in mind .
28 She was not altogether surprised by her father-in-law 's absence , because right from the start he had taken particular pleasure in taunting her in this way .
29 It is interesting to note how often foods only become fattening when man has had a hand in processing them in some way .
30 I am not sure that the hon. Member for Leicester , East ( Mr. Vaz ) renders Mr. Hall 's case particular assistance in raising it in this fashion .
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