Example sentences of "in [v-ing] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the limitations of EEC milk quotas , several chemical companies are involved in bringing into commercial use the growth hormone — bovine somatotropin ( BST ) .
2 It was the moment when there was new interest in cooking in this country , but nowhere to buy kitchen equipment .
3 One requires a background of considerable behavioural complexity before one is justified in attributing to any creature beliefs , intentions and so on .
4 This is a major reason why sexual deviance is found threatening : in deviating from normative truth and the ‘ nature ’ which underpins it , such deviance shifts and confuses the norms of truth and being throughout culture .
5 If you are interested in helping in any way with either of these posts ( they are both part of our Publicity Department Plan ) please talk to or .
6 Quiksilver had created the richest prize in surfing for this contest : $50,000 for the winner .
7 There is , of course , always a danger in generalising from individual writing .
8 There is little time within our course for students to experiment with information design in any serious way , but those who also undertake their major undergraduate project in this area frequently become ambitious in experimenting with complex information structures .
9 Its other uses are in experimenting with different map designs .
10 How much worse it must be for those who have n't been as fortunate as I in recovering from such trauma .
11 If he has used it to swell his bank balance , it will be presumed that , in drawing on that balance , he has drawn out his own money before touching trust money ; if he has made an investment with trust money — even an investment which is itself a breach of trust — that investment is still trust property , to which the trustees ’ creditors have no claim .
12 Some scholars , especially those who have worked on English as well as Continental evidence , have recently been arguing for the role of kingship , if not in initiating , then in profiting from economic activity in both town and countryside .
13 Professor Clark is probably correct in seeing in eighteenth-century mobility , not a development constraint but a " steady but flexible labour response to economic change " which assisted an " orderly progress " towards early industrialisation .
14 It is required too for good eye function ; difficulty in seeing in dim light may be a sign of vitamin A deficiency .
15 In reacting to each other they " may develop attitudes and habits similar to the ones desired by management .
16 Living in a racially articulated and predicated world , I could not be alone in reacting to this aspect of the American cultural and historical condition .
17 The second part , I thought might be useful to members in explaining in more detail what each of the schemes were about .
18 If you experience difficulty in keeping to this timetable you should communicate promptly with Suzanne Pinnington ( on extension number 227 ) at Napier House .
19 Delay caused by a failure of the legal aid authorities to act , or act reasonably may constitute good reason , but delay caused by the failure of the plaintiff or his solicitors to act promptly in applying for legal aid , or for the removal of a legal aid restriction , will not constitute a good reason ( Waddon v Whitecroft-Scovill Ltd [ 1988 ] 1 WLR 309 ) .
20 I am sure that he will wish to join me in congratulating the governors , the headmaster and the parents involved in the school on their wisdom in applying for grant-maintained status so as to free themselves from the bureaucracy and interference of the local education authority .
21 The latter probably included correspondence with Colonel Filipović in Belgrade , who has been active for many years in agitating for firmer action
22 The problem with the political-business cycle literature lies in the fact that it attempts to deal with the popularity of governments and the nature of public policy-making solely on the basis of a consideration of economic variables alone and so isolates the economic dimension out of the larger political context and ignores the vital part played by non-economic factors in contributing to electoral success .
23 If you would be interested in contributing in some way please telephone .
24 In particular , the ERCs fail in some cases to rehabilitate the men and women who pass through them largely because it is not their physical disablement but their attitude that is handicapping them in returning to normal working life , and the ERCs are not really equipped to change these attitudes .
25 ‘ We have repeatedly warned people that if they assist burglars in disposing of stolen property , they risk being put out of business , ’ said Mr Shatford .
26 There were reports on Feb. 20 that US and UK businesses had clashed over post-war contracts , and on Feb. 21 The Times reported that the UK government had begun negotiations with the Kuwaiti government-in-exile for an extension to a deadline for bids , after UK companies claimed that US businesses had secured an unfair advantage in bidding for postwar reconstruction work .
27 At this point regions with good transport links and a high quality workforce will be at a competitive advantage in bidding for inward investment while those who are content to ‘ regarder passer les trains ’ will suffer .
28 Interest rates will have to remain painfully high for some months , and departmental spending will be made to stay within the current planning totals : even the big-spending ministers recognise they are involved in bidding against each other , rather than against the Treasury .
29 In disengaging from that strategy and withdrawing to his study to memorialize the de Gaulle of history , the General reverted to his original concept of the leader-in-reserve — the solitary hero to whom the nation would inevitably turn in a moment of dire emergency .
30 The most remote regions of the United Kingdom have also been active in pressing for Tunnel-related investment .
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