Example sentences of "in [det] [be] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There 's , there 's another thing I , another thing I 'd like to mention which Chris has n't mentioned this afternoon is , that is that a lot of the pamphlets that you are handed out here , generate from 's office , copying and things like that , all very helpful , which would cost us a bomb outside , and we get them free , so you know , they , they do help the pensioner a great deal that 's why I said when she came in that 's a lady I admire very much and respect , cos she 's very good to pensioners .
2 But there are good reasons for a principled limitation to linguistic contexts : first , the relation between a lexical item and extralinguistic contexts is often crucially mediated by the purely linguistic contexts ( consider the possible relations between horse and the extra-linguistic situation in That 's a horse and There are no horses here ) ; second , any aspect of an extra-linguistic context can in principle be mirrored linguistically ; and , third , linguistic context is more easily controlled and manipulated .
3 it 's not that much of a bother , the pain is having to dig them all in that 's the trouble
4 In that was a plus sign , followed by ‘ GB , P. & L. ’ and the ‘ L ’ had been underlined twice .
5 The behaviour that we , as observers , see in another is the result of that individual 's perceptions of the world .
6 Obedience in this is a test of their obedience to God in other ways too .
7 Implied in this is a view of faith that is unrealistic and a view of doubt that is unfair .
8 It is difficult , in any case , to sustain the conclusion that a hypothec has been created because inherent in this is the idea that the debtor owns the goods and the creditor enjoys real rights .
9 One factor in this is the number of men taking early retirement or redundancy because there is a dependant in the household ( Green , 1988 ) .
10 The most un-British element in this is the charge of corruption in the political class .
11 I do n't think any of us have ever seen it my Lord , erm the erm , the just , the , in this was a case where you will find er that er a reference was made for guidance as to the scope of the broadcasting directive
12 One crucial element in this was the resumption of centre stage by a type of music that had been in the dominant culture throughout Punk rock — black disco music .
13 Two crucial stages in this were the formation of an alliance with the Emperor Alexius I Comnenus of Byzantium against the Norman empire threatening to spread into Venice 's Adriatic and Byzantine Greece in the 1080s ; and the role Venice came increasingly to play in the crusading adventures of the twelfth century .
14 His tone suggested that he did not pin much faith in this being the case .
15 The vivid images featured in these are a feast to the eye , which make this a beautiful book as well as a valuable source of reference .
16 Package contracts must be in writing and must also contain certain matters — included in these are the situation where a minimum number of customers must book before the package is on — the minimum number must be specified and the deadline for cancellation ( due to that number not being achieved ) must be stated .
17 It has to be said , however , that the way in which Mr. Occhi left the taxi at the end of the journey without further question seems more consistent with his having accepted that £7 in all was the fare to be charged and that he had been induced by the driver 's false representations to part out and out with all the money which he had passively allowed the taxi driver to take from his wallet .
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