Example sentences of "in [noun prp] at [art] time " in BNC.

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1 To the contrary , said white-haired Donald Winters , CIA station chief in Panama at the time , who met frequently with Noriega to trade information about Cuba , Nicaragua and El Salvador .
2 I 've got one in Battle on Tudor Battle , all about the dissolution of Battle Abbey and erm what happened to the town afterwards ; one on Elizabethan Rye , which is erm was notable because it was the largest place in Sussex at the time , a very important port , a lot of trade for London went through Rye , and there 's a lot of stuff relating to piracy and erm warfare .
3 I 've got one in Battle on Tudor Battle , all about the dissolution of Battle Abbey and erm what happened to the town afterwards , one on Elizabethan Rye , which is erm was notable because it was the largest place in Sussex at the time , very important port , lot of trade for London went to Rye , and there 's a lot of stuff relating to piracy and erm warfare .
4 Their concern for the Hungarian minority in Romania at a time when relations between Budapest and Bucharest were excellent frequently landed them in trouble with the authorities .
5 What other entertainment was there in Harlow at the time ?
6 Bradley explains that of the 70,000 visitors in LA at the time of last year 's riots not one was injured .
7 The book 's chief interest lies in the fact that Caroline Capel was a sister of the 1st Marquess of Anglesey and that she and her family , for financial reasons , were living in Brussels at the time of Waterloo .
8 During the trial at the Old Bailey in London 15 witnesses testified that Mr Thorburn , a general manager of an electronics company , had been practising for the Tam o' Shanter golf tournament near his mother 's home in Ayr at the time he was alleged to have raped her .
9 The tutor-organiser was also best-placed to counsel WEA students considering full-time higher education on adult state scholarships ( of which there were two in Northamptonshire at the time ) ; he was also in a position to attend daytime meetings of local bodies , on behalf of the WEA .
10 We were living in Surrey at the time and I was sharing a double bed with my brother , who 's five years older than me .
11 The Smallholders ' Party was the largest political party in Hungary at the time of its dissolution in 1948 .
12 do you wan na know how much money my mum spends in Sainsburys at a time ?
13 You deprived me of the chance to be there for him , and for my mother , when he was dying , because there were n't any jobs going in radio in Johannesburg at the time , so I had to go to Durban .
14 One Windscale worker who lived in Seascale at the time said he recorded radioactive contamination on his son 's shoes which was almost six times the level used to signify a hazard inside his laboratory .
15 She was studying in Florence at the time when she spotted a trend among Florentine women for a drawstring leather duffel bag .
16 One of the few occasions that United Biscuits ever took a hasty decision was when it bought a company in Spain at a time when it felt under pressure to expand into Europe .
17 He embarked soon after on his long verse-tragedy Osorio , a story ‘ romantic & wild & somewhat terrible ’ , which he set in Spain at the time of the Inquisition , but which was to draw , at least to a small extent , on his Quantock and Exmoor wanderings of the next few months .
18 The incident has angered senior party officials who are fighting to retain Conservative-held seats in Scotland at a time when the Scottish Nationalist bandwagon is gathering pace .
19 In this respect they were typical of most industrially employed women in Scotland at the time ( see Table 6b ) .
20 This is not to say that James II ( or VII as he was in his northern Kingdom ) was any more popular in Scotland at the time of the Revolution than he had been in England .
21 The court has heard that she was arrested after police found out that one of the men she named appeared to be in Scotland at the time of the alleged incident .
22 Or , as it was being discussed in Washington at the time , it was a matter of holding Bao Dai 's feet to the fire .
23 As Murad II happened to be in Serez at the time , de la Broquière and his companions , one of whom was Benedetto Folco da Forli , the ambassador of the Duke of Milan , set out to meet him .
24 He came into the department in Orkney at a time of crisis , his remit to operate on a shoestring budget , and to repair social work 's damaged reputation .
25 Brooke was employed in Manchester , and then in Ireland at the time of the rebellion .
26 I imagine that in Austria , as in England at the time , it was rather frowned upon by so-called serious musicians ?
27 In the first place , the British homosexual movement was badly organised and severely divided when Clause 28 appeared : there was no national organisation for lesbians and gays in England at the time .
28 In a new burst of corporate energy , the choir was demolished in Anselm 's day , and replaced by a structure in proportions and plan unlike any other in England at the time .
29 Okay , so make the , what 's going on in England at the time ?
30 It is important to remember the political position of the monarchy in England at the time .
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