Example sentences of "in [noun prp] to a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They arrived in Carlingford to a fine drizzle , and just in time for Ellie to take part in the leprechaun hunt .
2 The agent said it had sold a commercial garage in Middlesbrough to a named company .
3 The applicant is seeking permission from Darlington Borough Council to change the use of a shop in Northgate to a hot food takeaway and snack bar , but council officers fear any extension to opening hours would result in early morning noise and disturbance to residents nearby .
4 The convoy originally had planned to split and take some of the aid to Gorazde , another government enclave , but after being blocked by a crater in a mined road to Gorazde , all trucks headed down the twisting , snow-covered route that UN officials feared was also mined and finally arrived in Zepa to a tumultuous welcome .
5 On May 3 the remains of Enver Hoxha and 12 other " former leaders of the Party of Labour " ( the PLA — the former ruling party , later renamed the Socialist Party of Albania — SPA ) were discreetly transferred from the Martyrs ' Cemetery in Tirana to a public cemetery in the suburbs of the city .
6 Lam 's biography seems tailor-made for todays ' infatuation with multiculturalism : he was born in Cuba to a Chinese father and a Creole mother , he was a Roman Catholic fascinated by Santeria ( Cuban animism ) , his studies and work took him to France , Spain , the United States and the Caribbean , and each of his three wives came from a different European country .
7 Born in Cuba to a German-Jewish father and a black mother — ‘ I was sort of kosher , but swinging ’ — he cut sugar-cane in his youth before joining his father , a ship 's steward , on his travels , only to be accidentally left behind on Crete at 12 : ‘ I had to sit down for a minute — almost cried . ’
8 The first appointments were made in January to a new Cabinet of Ministers , created as part of the restructuring of the senior government leadership approved in December .
9 They were born in Staffordshire to a local farmer .
10 There were 60 cases of Hepatitis A in Langbaurgh in the six weeks up to March 6 with ages ranging from a two-year-old boy in Grangetown to a 99-year-old woman in Teesville .
11 This deluge of warm water produced by the cooling towers of the power station is as close as we 'd come in Britain to a tropical monsoon .
12 It also turned out that the 142s in Cornwall , and indeed those in Manchester to a lesser extent , suffered high wheel wear .
13 In duodenal ulcer patients the median Vg before smoking was 237.6 ml h - 1 ; after smoking a single cigarette there was a 26% fall in Vg to a median value of 175.2 ml h - 1 ( p<0.02 ) ( Table I ) .
14 Shortly afterwards Jane went to a friend 's house in Kensington to a musical party where a famous quartet was playing and , sitting on the stairs , talked to someone whom she took to be one of the players .
15 We arrived in Dover to a special reception from the English customs — ‘ 1992 ?
16 In May 1961 the show opened in London to a rapturous welcome .
17 But many AFBD members are disturbed by the implication that they could be answerable in London to a foreign regulator .
18 Furthermore , the Polish nobility that had led the national movement in Marx 's time had yielded power in Poland to a new rising capitalist class and settled for privileges guaranteed by the Tsar .
19 He 's been gloriously happy from the moment he set foot in Genoa to a generous welcome from his new colleagues .
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