Example sentences of "in [adj] years [conj] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , I wonder if this is a matter which budget review might wish to keep on a continuing brief , so that , to satisfy themselves that the , this council is in fact making progress , and will be in a position to satisfy the district auditor in future years that we are er , taking on board the comments that he 's making and er , moving forward .
2 Hopefully as we improve our business , we may indeed see TV advertising in future years and we hope that we will become as well known as IBM , 3M or ICI . ’
3 Its characteristics include adjustable string tension , a system which has been underrated in previous years but which has incalculable benefits to the regular club enthusiast .
4 The cards are now larger than in previous years and we have found that this size proved very popular .
5 We would also like to record our thanks to the many people who have covenanted in previous years and whose names have appeared in earlier Reports .
6 Jeff added : ‘ BNFL people from several sites have collected food and clothing for us to take out in previous years and I would be grateful if people could help again .
7 Thank you Mr Mayor I just wanted t to come in with two fairly quick points er as to why I will not be able to support this amendment , but the first is that the leader of the council has indicated that the efficiency savings erm has got as far as it can go and that , you know , we have been trimming at the margins and there is no more margin left and that leads you to believe that perhaps one should be looking at somewhat more er root and branch type of pruning in the spending that that the labour group want to actually erm deal with , er and the second point I would like to make , and er I thank councillor for giving us a a a a new word tonight obfuscation because that describes exactly what I think the labour group are trying to do by bringing this figure down it removes the embarrassment they would have from having to add on a substantial sum of money f due to the failure to collect the cou er the community charge in previous years and I think that they are trying by by this amendment with some very quick foot work to try and delude the people of this city .
8 This has meant a fall in the demand for residential care which had been increasing rapidly in previous years and it is the duty of the relevant authorities to plan future provision er so that everything will work smoothly for those most in need .
9 It gives the impression we 're prepared to spend the money and that 's what 's happened in previous years and it should n't happen .
10 In 1848 an experienced mines inspector and engineer could write in A Treatise on the Winning and Working of Collieries : ‘ Explosions of gas have unfortunately become so numerous in late years that it would be impossible in the absence of specific records to enumerate them . ’
11 Many fishermen have done well in recent years but they now face great pressure on the fish stocks .
12 He started in rousing style : ‘ Education in England and Wales has suffered many catastrophes in recent years but none so great as the new GCSE examination .
13 Beyond this there is little agreement , and the women 's weekly magazines , for example , have argued strongly in recent years that their particular editorial qualities and high coverage of a female audience make them a superior medium even to TV for many products in , particularly , food and toiletry fields .
14 It is only in recent years that our indigenous antiquities have come to be worth enough on the market for systematic looting to be profitable in a financial sense .
15 Steve Cropper says that Robert Cray and Bonnie Raitt are the only two artists in recent years that he 's watched from the audience — which is either a massive compliment , or an indication of the number of gigs our Steve attends these days .
16 There have been suggestions in recent years that there 's a sub-group of patients with bladder cancer in whom there is a reduced likelihood of recurrence , and it may be possible in those patients to amend the follow-up protocol and omit the six and nine month check cystoscopies .
17 He had no answer — save that British scientists had been reorganised so often in recent years that it was time for stability .
18 So much has been written concerning this question in recent years that it would waste space to reiterate arguments as to the moral , sociological , psychological and medical aspects of the problem .
19 It 's only in recent years that I 've learned to use the weather forecast before contemplating a hill-walk .
20 I draw his attention to the fact that we are now net exporters of televisions whereas we were net importers under the Labour party and to the fact that motor output has been expanding in recent years whereas it was declining under Labour .
21 In large scale industry ( such as the Automotive Industry ) the use of cordless tools has been steadily increasing in recent years so it is by no means novel technology .
22 A spokeswoman for Mersey Docks and Harbour Company said : ’ They are now quite old and have not been in regular use in recent years so it was decided to dismantle them to improve the appearance of the area .
23 There has been scant evidence of our garden friendly pollinator in recent years as their constitutions can not withstand the chemicals abounding in pesticides .
24 Caro 's widowed mother had remarried only in recent years and her new husband already had four children , all grown up and living away from home .
25 In this programme we are going to look at the way in which British music has developed in recent years and its relationship to that produced by Continental Europe .
26 Generally , however , discipline has not been a problem between them in recent years and there have been some pulsating contests .
27 THE Law and its administration have seen changes in recent years and there are more to come .
28 There has been a lot of this kind of partnership in recent years and there is no doubt that there is some mutual benefit but the benefits are unrelated for each party — the college gets a resource that it can use , the donor a warm sense of public spirit , a tax deduction or some publicity .
29 We have published reviews of a fair number of headphones in recent years and there is ample evidence that this uniquely personal and involving method of listening to music remains very popular .
30 The very idea of the ‘ comprador bourgeoisie , ’ central to the dependency approach , appears to have fallen into disuse in recent years and there have been various attempts to reconceptualize what it refers to .
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