Example sentences of "in [art] time [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Although greater attention tends to be lavished upon Leo Fender 's 6-string designs , in the time between the releases of his Telecaster and Stratocaster , Leo demonstrated his ability to create without precedent , inventing from scratch the electric bass guitar .
2 In the time between the world had changed in so many ways .
3 As a rule the advances occurred either when she was alone with one or other teacher during a free period , or in the time between the end of school and the journey home .
4 The research aims to fill these two gaps , by focusing on six key decisions in British foreign policy in the time between the Munich agreement and the German invasion of the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941 .
5 It may be that the effect of diagnosis is real and that duodenal ulcer is more persistent than gastric ulcer , or it may be that a higher proportion of gastric ulcer patients have been operated upon in the time between the two periods of registrations of drug use .
6 In the time of the Labour Government the Chief Secretary had been Joel Barnett and it was he who had forced Barbara Castle into her major and controversial changes .
7 Isidore of Seville ( d. 636 ) summed it all up thus : ‘ many who bear the attacks of the adversary and resist the desires of the flesh are martyrs , even in the time of peace , in virtue of this self-immolation to God in their heart : they would have been martyrs in the time of the persecutions ’ .
8 As a middle-aged bishop he was reluctant to believe that miracles still happened in his world as they had in the time of the Lord and his apostles .
9 As the Earl of Leicester is now dead , in whose keeping the King was by reason of the disturbance in the realm , and now by the favour of God the King is snatched out of his hands and raised again to his former estate , whereby with the common consent of the realm the King has caused all things attempted by the Earl for the diminution of the King 's right , honour and royal dignity to be revoked ; and whereas the forests north of Trent , which before the war in the time of the Earl were preserved whole and uninjured , have been disafforested and destroyed to the King 's disherison , the King commands the said Roger to re-afforest all the forests in his bailiwick as they were … before the war ; and if any part thereof ought of right to be disafforested , the King is prepared to do full justice .
10 On 1 March he published his intention of inviolably observing the Charter of the Forest in all its articles : he appointed four commissioners to supervise the making in each forest county of ‘ a true perambulation , namely that which was made in the time of the lord King Henry our father , which has not yet been challenged ’ .
11 In the time of the Stuarts , this was a high-risk occupation and even today , the Member elected pretends reluctance and protests at having to take the chair .
12 He adds that ‘ There is little doubt that here existed a town in the time of the Britons ’ and a settlement grew around the Druidic university which according to Peck was the ancient British city of Doorebriff , meaning ‘ sharp stream ’ .
13 ’ ‘ Mechenophilus ’ by Alfred , Lord Tennyson , written in the time of the first railways :
14 Today , in the time of the Emperor Karl Franz , these states are of two distinct kinds : City States and Provinces .
15 ( Hobbes 's thought was eminently practical in the time of the English civil war . )
16 This kind of paper , in use in the 25 years up to 1914 but revived in recent times , also places the EZRA POUND photographs in a time outside the present — suggesting , perhaps a vision of Venice in the time of the " Belle Epoque " when Pound first came to Europe as a young man and revolutionized poetics in the English language .
17 In the time of the Tudors and Stuarts ( the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries ) , London came to dominate the rest of the country , controlling and prospering at the expense of other towns and of villages .
18 But there were perfectly good ways of preserving food without refrigeration , which were followed even more diligently than we do nowadays in the time of the deep freeze .
19 Medical men had perforce to be botanists , and often gardeners as well , and in time medical knowledge came to be the perquisite of the European religious orders , as it had been that of the priests in the time of the Egyptian pharaohs .
20 Sculpture at Athens in the time of the Persian wars
21 One afternoon , as I walked under the tall arches of the Palazzo della Pilotta , the immense , pale-pink building constructed in the time of the Farnese with millions of thin bricks , a fat middle-aged man exposed himself to me .
22 My father had an atlas which had been published in the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire , but this was on such a small scale that it was virtually useless .
23 There entered her mind a memory of the feast day of the Madonna della Bruna ; it fell in July in the time of the fierce lion sun , as they called it in the hills , and yet the shrine attracted crowds from all Ninfania and all around .
24 And , Newby went on , the superior class would have their baggage wheeled to and installed on the train , tipping the porters in the process , much as in the time of the last of the Tsars .
25 The aforementioned [ Abdulkerim ] died in the time of the reign of Sultan Bayezid . "
26 To read how my own ancestors lived in the time of the Tudors and the Stuarts and to even learn that they occupied the 10th pew adjoining the South Wall in the Myddle Church has been the inspiration to write down some reminiscences of my own childhood and of the stories related to me , in the hope that they will be of interest , not only to the present generation , but maybe , also to that 500 years hence !
27 Beyond was a bank , farther still some houses , ribbed with black beams , whitewashed , crooked and ancient , and then the Black Lion , and shops , the heterogeneous collection of buildings which composed a town which had been a hamlet in the time of the Tudors , a flourishing and prosperous market town in the eighteenth century , and was now , in the twentieth , settling comfortably into another phase of its existence , off the main traffic route , a backwater serving the big houses around , a dormitory for the more successful managers and executives in the prosperous light-manufacturing town of Bridgeborough some thirty miles away .
28 It 's not known with any degree of certainty , erm , there was some indication by someone writing at the end of the last century , that it was written by someone in the time of the Queen Elizabeth , hence , perhaps it was God Save The Queen .
29 Erm , originally is was sung in Latin , in the time of the Stuarts , and then , an er , after the exile of James the Second , and English version appeared .
30 Bonnie Langford explains that the songs from the show were big hits in the time of the 1930s depression .
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