Example sentences of "in [art] same place [conj] " in BNC.

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1 The inner-city indicators were based largely on territorial assumptions , for example that people might have close relatives living in the same street or the next street , and that people would work in the same places as some of their close neighbours ( L. Milroy 1987 : 141–2 ) .
2 ‘ And she thinks the leaking vessels are in the same places as before , which I suppose is good news .
3 The cross members and bulkhead outriggers are in the same places and it fits straight on .
4 If both NL and LD , or if both EX and CS , are switched on ; only NL and EX respectively will show on the screen : both pairs of codes appear in the same places and NL and EX take priority if both are on .
5 Seb rode to where Noah Plunkett still sat on his sheepskin ‘ throne ’ , giving the impression he had remained in the same place since the wedding party began .
6 For example , the six male dancers do not always appear in the same place nor end in the same pose in the passages mentioned above .
7 This time I made sure my master went first and , whilst he ran down the stairs , I scampered like a rabbit to the top of the tower , forcing back the trap door , standing in the same place that poor Falconer had .
8 But you see the important thing about this scene is not what is taking place there it 's not really that Pilate is standing in , in the trial as the judge of Jesus , it 's not that Pilate has i , within his hands the power of life and death for Jesus , that 's not the important issue , that 's not the real significance of this incident , the real significance is that every one of us at some time or other stand in the same place that Pilate stood .
9 Now as the garage grew , the , the blacksmith 's shop was , it still remained in the same place but the remainder of the cottages were made into the garage , and the garden ground in between was filled in between with sheds with corrugated iron roofs .
10 ‘ He only needs things to be left in the same place so he can find them and he 's fine , ’ she said .
11 Not only does the hearer assume it is the same ‘ man ’ who is being talked about throughout , he also assumes that the man will stay in the same place unless the speaker announces that he moves .
12 It exists all the more by being in the same place as power .
13 I was terrified of anyone finding out , especially since the girl I had met stays in the same place as me , very close by .
14 ‘ As for the manner of burial , ’ the lawyer said , ‘ it appears that your father wishes to be buried in the same place as his first wife .
15 Several families who lived in the same settlement decided to leave as a result of her behaviour , and others insisted that they would never go to live in the same place as her .
16 Parked in the same place as before .
17 He dreamed the actual execution , including his head being separated from his body , and then abruptly woke up to find that his bed headboard had fallen and struck him on the back of the neck in the same place as the guillotine in the dream .
18 You should not be in the same place as your mother .
19 As Gabriel worked on the top of the ricks , he suddenly remembered that , eight months before , he had been fighting against fire in the same place as desperately as he was fighting against water now — and for love of the same woman , who did not love him .
20 Most such acute psychiatric wards are now sited in district general hospitals ; and even though it is not essential for in-patient facilities of this type to be in the same place as other medical specialties , it is often helpful for elderly people , in particular , to be treated where specialist medical advice on physical illness and disability is readily available .
21 refusing the help of family members and others who prepare " special " meals but having the same meals at the same time and in the same place as everyone else .
22 If the company has more than 50 members then , unless the register is kept in such form as to constitute an index of names of the members , such an index must also be kept in the same place as the register .
23 We rode on to the moors and found Linton lying in the same place as before .
24 In the same place as Tony .
25 They all started in the same place as the Beatles … the Cavern Club in Liverpool .
26 Therefore if we do n't actually want to live in the same place as the residents , which I certainly would n't want to do , right .
27 That 's in the same place as mine .
28 He 'll end up in the same place as the last bloke and he 's still there .
29 In the , in the current Middle East erm so this pattern certainly applies to Judaism , not to all religions , he 's not saying that all religions have to undergo persecution in order to as it were flourish , but some religions do and perhaps the characteristic Judaism or at least this kind of monotheism is these kind of religions tend to be intolerant and single-mindedly , tend to say that we know the truth , everybody else is wrong and consequently they tend to persecute others and get persecuted and this leads to these periods of suppression , but there 's a tendency for this kind of return of repress just as Mike was saying , his very brilliant analogy he suggested the French Revolution when the students put the barricade up in the same place or so the erm Freud 's idea is that the things that happened in that first traumatic period back in Ancient Egypt and for example erm he said this is why the modern erm Jews insist on circumcision because the Ancient Egyptians did and this is , this is correct .
30 ‘ We had a very successful festival last year in the same place and many local people came and enjoyed themselves .
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