Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] [noun pl] [Wh det] " in BNC.

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1 An injunction that his feast day is to be observed appears in the legal texts which Wulfstan drafted for him , and if the same clause in surviving copies of Æthelred 's laws is a later interpolation , as Patrick Wormald has contended , then Cnut 's interest in Edward , implied by his apparent gift of relics of this saint to Westminster Abbey , would be all the more striking .
2 Some of these recordings are now being used by the YCCC as evidence in the legal actions which they are taking out against the city and tannery , and some of the recordings have been played back to other community groups in similar situations but who have not developed their thinking to the extent of the YCCC .
3 Journalists can do little about legal costs and insurance , but they should be well versed in the legal defences which give them more latitude than is commonly thought .
4 However , the facts of this case do illustrate the injustice which could arise if Miss Marshall is correct in the admirable submissions which she has advanced on behalf of the landlord , to the effect that in this case he was entitled to resort to self-help .
5 Are these costs included in the overall estimates which have been given to us f for the reconnaissance .
6 Darwin delighted in the exquisite adaptations which he saw in living creatures , as Paley and other natural theologians had done before him : contemplating fossils ( or nature generally ) could bring pleasure or pain depending on one 's temperament and state .
7 But this takes out a philosophical loan that must be repaid in the post-philosophical sciences which explain the affinity in question .
8 AI believes that he is being made to answer for his active involvement in the Sudan Doctors ' Union and left-wing politics , his role in the non-violent protests which led to the overthrow of President Nimeiri in April 1985 and his outspoken criticism of the current government .
9 That is the norm in the small workplaces which employ Asian women .
10 All three pavements appear to have had rosettes in the small squares which lie tangent to the central square .
11 But here it 's nice to see the traditional gardeners and the interest in the small plants which go in the cottage gardens .
12 The German environment minister , Klaus Töpfer , has announced details of a programme to improve environmental quality in the five states which formally comprised East Germany .
13 As for the farm butter , it is being borne away by the purchasers in the great baskets which look as if they might have been used by the Scarlet Pimpernel to smuggle refugee aristos out of Paris .
14 But the ‘ and 's ’ and ‘ or 's ’ and the more and more rarely irritate , and are triumphant in the great set-pieces which mean so much to all three books — like that palimpsest of faces in Addis Ababa .
15 In this case it was a book , entitled ‘ Andrew and Fergie — the newly weds ’ , this was handed over to for her good attendance in the four years which she had gone to Little Stonham Primary School .
16 In the four books which Ransome set in East Anglia , the geographical details are so specific that the books can be used as accurate guides to the appropriate parts of Norfolk , Suffolk and Essex .
17 Just as there is a break in the four volumes which constitute the Omnibus , Thru being in many respects a new departure , so the final volume of the Quartet breaks with the technological preoccupations of the first three novels .
18 In the seventy years which have elapsed since the publication of Miss Buckland 's book the tomato has taken its revenge for three centuries of neglect .
19 Even this demanding job left energy for much else , and at this time he began to organise art exhibitions , building on his own strong interest in the visual arts which had been fired by visits to Florence and Venice and by the mammoth Van Gogh show in the 1950s , and which led early to his abiding love of the Italian Renaissance giants and of such British artists as Prunella Clough , Keith Vaughan and RobertMedley .
20 follow Lewis and Mo ( 1986 ) in arguing that the discrepancy may be due to a greater rise in the serious burglaries which involve insurance claims , and hence are more likely to be reported , especially given the increase in the number of personal telephones and the higher levels of home ownership .
21 In historic Hungary itself , the Magyars provided 41.2 per cent of the total , but they were much thinner on the ground in the Croatian provinces which were also part of their half of the Monarchy .
22 Their roots lay deep in the shell-holes and in the earthen barricades which had been erected with such sectarian conviction more than a decade before .
23 The response of those engaged in the arduous labours which led to the conclusion of the Convention is no doubt not dissimilar to that of the scholar who writes a book on the doctrine of unconscionability in contract law and is then taken to task by a reviewer for his failure to cover breach and termination — in other words , for not writing a different book .
24 On the contrary , none of the nations wanted war , and ‘ ever new progressive and democratic forces ’ had appeared in the capitalist countries which were strengthening the common struggle for peace .
25 They include the targets set out in the guidelines issued to project schools , more or less explicitly in the process of selecting schools , and of course , implicitly in the objectives specified in the successful proposals which schools made .
26 This creates a signal in the auditory nerves which are interpreted by our brain as the pleasing notes of an orchestra .
27 The use of transistors has brought an improvement in this respect , but the quality of sound remains poor , especially in the cheaper instruments which some would deem to be more appropriate for the cocktail bar than for playing in church .
28 The Colne Valley Divisional Labour Party was formed in June 1917 , the Leeds City Labour Party reorganized itself in April and May 1918 , and promoted the formation of constituency parties in the six divisions which made up Leeds , while constituency parties were formed for all four of the Bradford seats in April 1919 .
29 In the six years which followed his resignation as Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster , Mosley himself had passed from Labour minister to Fascist leader .
30 Under some circumstances federal prosecutors would be empowered to seek the death penalty even in the 14 states which had prohibited capital punishment .
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