Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] [noun sg] or " in BNC.

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1 Another source for dances of character can be found in the sad clown or ‘ the man who gets slapped ’ .
2 Dr Roger Harrison , director of product development for Eli Lilly 's subsidiary Dista Ltd in the UK , told New Scientist that after five years of experience scaling up Lilly 's genetically engineered insulin ‘ we have not perceived any allergic reaction in the chemical processing or packaging units . ’
3 Did your involvement in the trade unions when you were young got lead to your , any involvement in the Labour Party or anything like that ?
4 Recently books have been written querying the efficiency and use of Bomber Command aircraft in the night bombing of Germany , and asking whether it did help in the final defeat or whether in fact it made little difference .
5 This variety can not be captured by the notion of loose apposition , and it can not , therefore , provide the basis for the analysis of the phrasal phenomena discussed in the final section or the discourse phenomena discussed in the preceding sections of this article .
6 Most likely there will be someone in the close family or a reliable friend .
7 Similarly , the excursion into the scheming phase may just be to check that such a mechanism or structure can be accommodated in the overall product or project .
8 Some development usually takes place either in the faecal pat or in a different species of animal , the intermediate host , before infection can take place .
9 But I of course have the advantage of being one who condemns that degree of maladministration whether it applies in the democratic sector or in the quango sector and unfortunately , unfortunately despite all the corruption , I I 'll give way to the honourable gentleman if I could just er finish the point I 'm making , unfortunately despite all the corruption and all the mismanagement and all the fraud for which the Secretary of State is personally responsible as Secretary of State .
10 Contemporary reports suggest strongly that Corvan 's performance style was dramatic , intimate , high in spontaneity and very dependent on audience rapport — as against the more fixed , formalized renderings of the tunes which would be typical of performances in the bourgeois drawing-room or the ballad concert .
11 Although I slipped in the odd prop or two , and tried to bend briefs towards my interests , on the whole I felt I watched from the sidelines as the plethora of ecology and natural history books of the 1980s appeared .
12 Orders were sent to no fewer than four squadrons to try to engage him in the Irish Sea or , as a last resort , to intercept him off Brest on his way home ; but in the event none of them was needed for he was caught , almost by chance , near Kinsale on the southern coast of Ireland at daybreak on 29 February 1760 , by three frigates which had taken refuge there during the recent storm .
13 It is known that such patients may have one of a variety of conditions such as arteriovenous malformations in the small intestine or colon ( including angiodysplasia and telangiectasia ) , Meckel 's diverticulum , Crohn 's disease , and small bowel smooth muscle tumours .
14 The diagnosis of Crohn 's disease was based on the presence of at least two of the following four criteria : a history of diarrhoea lasting more than three months ; radiological findings of typical stenoses and prestenotic dilatation in the small bowel or segments with a cobblestone appearance in the large bowel ; histological findings of transmural lymphocytic infiltration or occurrence of epithelial granulomas with giant cells of Langhans ' type , or both ; and the occurrence of fistulas or abscesses , or both , in a region of intestinal disease .
15 S. Mark 's Cathedral appears to be a complicated building , not easy to define , either from the façade in the great piazza or from the interior , and it is not easy to view from other aspects as buildings crowd closely upon it .
16 Round the walls of the palace of St John Lateran in Rome , the main residence of the medieval popes , and in the great church or basilica itself , were series of paintings and mosaics that depicted the history of the papacy , an institution that was already very ancient in 1198 when Innocent III became pope .
17 Similarly , of course , any change in the school-leaving age or the retirement age will also affect the size of the potential labour force and therefore the supply of labour .
18 b ) any Petition which has been presented by being deposited in the Private Bill Office and in which the Petitioners complain of any amendment as proposed in the filled-up Bill or of any matter which has arisen during the progress of the Bill before the Select Committee , being a Petition in which the Petitioners pray to be heard by themselves , their Counsel or Agents .
19 I have a soft spot for writers in the Weberian tradition or at the intersection of that tradition with Marxism and have learned a lot from them .
20 But for our present purposes , its interest is that it locates stylistic significance in the ideational function of language ; that is , in the cognitive meaning or sense which for the dualist is the invariant factor of content rather than the variable factor of style .
21 If the wife 's level of income is sufficient , the mortgagee will probably consent to the release of the husband from liability under the mortgage so long as the wife covenants to assume this and , depending upon the practice of the mortgagee , will specify what clauses it requires in the appropriate conveyance or transfer .
22 The painful rib syndrome consists of three features : pain in the lower chest or upper abdomen , a tender spot on the coastal margin , and reproduction of the pain on pressing the tender spot .
23 Systematic firm palpation of the costal margin in recommended in all patients presenting with pain in the lower chest or upper abdomen .
24 It was precisely defined as comprising all of the three features : pain in the lower chest or upper abdomen , a tender spot ( or spots ) on the lower costal margin ( including the xiphoid ) ; reproduction of the pain by pressing on the spot .
25 All doctors should be advised to systematically palpate the costal margin firmly in all patients complaining of pain in the lower chest or upper abdomen .
26 Egon Krenz , 48 , a hard-drinking hard-liner and nominally number two , responsible for youths , is now written off , having no friends in the Soviet Union or anywhere else .
27 Functionalist Marxists continue to insist that rational comprehensive planning is only possible under socialism , despite a complete lack of evidence for this judgement in the operation of planning in the Soviet Union or its allied states ( Nove , 1983 ) .
28 Following the question by the right hon. Member for Tweeddale , Ettrick and Lauderdale ( Sir D. Steel ) , is there not essentially a double standard when one delegation can bring whomsoever it likes to the talks , whether those people were born in the Soviet Union or the United States , and another delegation is told whom it can and whom it can not bring ?
29 Exercise is allowed in the event of an amalgamation , reconstruction or take-over of the Company ; alternatively , options may , with the agreement of the acquiring company , be exchanged for options over shares in the acquiring company or a company associated with the acquiring company .
30 Lipocalins have a wide range of functions and include odour-binding proteins found in the nasal mucosa or excreted in urine .
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