Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] [noun] it " in BNC.

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1 We need to be in the Labour Party it is only there that we the unions can take part in making policy about the future of our industries and services , and taking care of our members .
2 Although the SNP recorded swings in several seats it failed to breakthrough in the Labour seats it would need to win in any significant nationalist revival .
3 In the Labour movement it never made much impact , for it always remained an alien force , financed and directed from outside , but it achieved something in taking the battle on to the streets in order to break up the meetings of the left .
4 In the final structure it is clear that protein G binds exclusively to this domain and there are no direct contacts between protein G and either the light chain or the variable region of the heavy chain ( Fig. 1 ) .
5 But in the final analysis it is a question of political history , which only the political historians can resolve .
6 In the final analysis it must be recognised that the ECMs are demand determined , their ability to provide large loans quickly and efficiently as required by banks , multinational corporations and governments being the main justification for their existence .
7 It emphasises that in the final analysis it is not what the electors , or judges , or a returning officer may say , but what the House itself says , which determines whether a successful candidate may take a seat .
8 In the final analysis it has to be said that the Macintosh is a better system for desktop publishing than the PC on both technical and user grounds .
9 But in the final analysis it had been he who wanted out .
10 In the final analysis it really is up to the planning officers and the planning committee to decide whether the benefits which it will bring to the locality outweigh the objectors ' views .
11 Although some material with particular mathematical structure will be mentioned , it is sometimes restrictive in the overall experience it provides for very young children by the very nature of its structure .
12 In the immediate vicinity it linked Danzig with Stettin and Berlin via the rivers Notec and Oder and the Bromberg Canal ; via the river Nogat and the Frisches Haff it linked up with Elbing , Marienburg and Königsberg ; via the river Pregel and the river Dieme and the Kurisches Haff it reached out to Memel and Tilsit .
13 A. fragilis has been found on both sides of the Atlantic : in the west it has been recorded off Martha 's Vineyard north to the Davis Strait and W. Greenland at depths of 430–2640 m ; in the eastern side it has been recorded from the Faeroe Channel in 750 m .
14 A. lymani has been recorded from both sides of the North Atlantic : in the western Atlantic it has been recorded off Nantucket in 547–1764 m while in the eastern Atlantic it has been found in the Bay of Biscay and off Portugal at depths of 1541–2350 m .
15 O. clavigera has been recorded from both sides of the Atlantic ; from Noval Scotia north to the Davis Strait and W. Greenland in the western Atlantic with a bathymetric range of 166–1100 m ; in the eastern Atlantic it has been recorded from SE .
16 In the western Atlantic it has been described from the West Indies ( 325 m ) , from various localities off North America at depths of between 425–818 m ; in the eastern Atlantic it has been recorded from Iceland south to the Azores and Cape Verde Islands at depths of 861–1635 m .
17 In the nineteenth century it was Richard Wagner whose extraordinary ambition it was to make a complete artistic environment , in which the arts would blend .
18 Because Nonconformists had done so well out of the changes brought about in the nineteenth century it is not surprising that increasing numbers assumed the inevitability of liberal progress to be as much part of the natural order as the law of gravity .
19 It is a typical British beef type and perhaps for that reason its numbers at home are now dangerously low : fewer than 450 breeding cows were registered in 1987 when it was for the first time classified as a rare breed , though in the nineteenth century it had been the mainstay of the Scottish beef industry .
20 Earlier in the nineteenth century it was estimated that there were 2000 handloom weavers within a radius of 7 or 8 miles from Portadown .
21 In the nineteenth century it provided little more than ten per cent of government revenue .
22 In the nineteenth century it was the native inhabitants ' turn , and the Highlands suffered the terrible injury of the Clearances .
23 In the nineteenth century it was the squalor and unhealthiness of the northern manufacturing towns , as much as the condition of London 's rookeries , that led to measures of sanitary regulation and housing improvement .
24 The museum with old apparatus and machinery is one kind , but in the nineteenth century it was the museum as a centre of research in current science which was more important .
25 Early in the nineteenth century it was wrongly deduced , on the basis of scanty observations of surface features , that the axial sidereal period was about 24 hours , prograde .
26 Accordingly , when power-looms worked by women began to appear early in the nineteenth century it " set women against women , especially young women working in the shops or mills against older married women working at home " .
27 Time was suspended and the police heard my life story at least twice with patience and good humour in the 80 minutes it took to cut my right leg free from the car .
28 in the blinking rain it 's not
29 At latitudes greater than about 40° the banding is less clear , and in the polar regions it is replaced by smaller-scale cellular features .
30 Both groups have developed a single long fin that runs the whole length of the body , but in the African fish it runs along the back whereas in the South American fish it runs along the belly .
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