Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] [noun] the " in BNC.

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1 In the Supreme Court the guilt or innocence of the accused was decided not by the judge but the jury .
2 Neutrons , being electrically neutral , do not leave a direct trail , but when they hit protons in the hydrogen-filled chamber the protons recoil , and it is their trails that reveal the impact of the neutrons .
3 In the Labour Hall the little army of women had grown to 20 .
4 In the Labour camp the issues are more fundamental .
5 In the Labour Party the supporters of rearmament — Dalton and Bevin — were forced to work behind the scenes .
6 In the final instance the golfer could simply refuse to work with his agent , who would then be faced with the problem of whether to sue his erstwhile client — a very expensive , long-winded and unsatisfactory process .
7 Still , taking it for what it is , I can report that it is on the whole satisfactorily performed , due mainly to the merits of the soloists : Barbara Schlick 's soprano rings out finely in the wonderful air with cello , ‘ What passion can not Music raise or quell ’ ( I give titles in the familiar English rather than the German used here , of course ) , and again in her paean of the organ , though in the final chorus the sense and the noble simplicity of the solo soprano in turn with the choir , a real piece of English eccentricity , somehow becomes merely odd in German .
8 In the final stages the hacker 's personality undergoes a fundamental change .
9 Gradually weight loss occurs despite a good diet , and in the final stages the person ceases to recognise the family or even the self in the mirror , loses bladder and bowel control , any capacity for self-care or ability to communicate in words .
10 But in the final analysis the decisions — and the responsibility — were mine .
11 In the final analysis the economic policies pursued in the 1930s , and already outlined in Chapter 1 , were those dictated by a massive Conservative parliamentary majority .
12 Although in some cases gonorrhoea may be suspected from the symptoms or signs of the disease , in the final analysis the diagnosis hangs on the identification of the gonococcus , either directly in a sample of mucus or other material from an infected site by microscopic examination , or by its growth in the laboratory after inoculation of such material on appropriate culture media .
13 In the final analysis the specific method is merely a secondary affair , since any method must in the end efface itself :
14 In the final analysis the entrepreneurial solution would have been no more than an evasion of the underlying causes of Nizan 's personal crisis of 1926–27 .
15 In the final analysis the only solution will be to find alternative access , or buy the whole of the adjoining property , if it comes onto the market .
16 In the final analysis the need for a swift response to an immediate housing shortage after the war painted almost inevitably to a large-scale local authority housing programme , rather than face a period of delay while housing associations were geared up to the task .
17 As we have stressed , this is the basis of a capitalist industrial economy , hence we can see why in the final analysis the disruption of authority in industry should be regarded as being so critical .
18 No matter what happens to the National question in the final analysis the community struggle goes on , the struggle against the hopelessness and helplessness of ordinary people to manage to cope in a very complex society .
19 In the final analysis the majority accepted the authority of the pope .
20 In the final analysis the full impact of reform will be felt most keenly by the thousands of Scottish men and women whose income falls the wrong side of the line .
21 In the final paragraph the auditors conclude : ‘ In our opinion , the half-yearly financial information has been prepared with due care and using accounting policies consistent with those adopted by Guardian Royal Exchange plc in its statutory financial statements for the year ended 31 December 1991 . ’
22 In the final chapter the narrator relates the actions of the new people as they flee from their encounter with the Neanderthalers .
23 In the final declaration the Group of Seven welcomed " the renaissance of democracy throughout much of the world " , referring specifically to the " profound changes " which had taken place in Eastern Europe since the last summit in Paris in July 1989 .
24 In the final cycle the extension step was for 5 mins .
25 In the final section the author suggests practical ways in which teachers can gain a better understanding of the role of oral classroom activities .
26 In the modern world the reasons for wanting to remember dreams have changed — nobody believes any more that an appropriate dream will cure physical illness , or perhaps predict the future .
27 In the modern world the nation state is the pre-eminent political unit .
28 In the modern world the reasons for accepting any particular authority can be and are challenged .
29 In our view , particularly because of the extravagant results that have arisen in some cases by applying the literal rule , there can be no doubt that in the modern context the object and intent rule is much fairer .
30 In the modern era the state is the provider of the collective or general conditions of capital valorisation and accumulation , as opposed to particular conditions .
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