Example sentences of "in [art] [num] [subord] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The failure of the Royal Commission 's own research to support their advocacy of large-scale units of local government led to scepticism in the 1970s as opinion swung away from a belief in bigness as a correlate of efficiency and progress .
2 GaAs was first used successfully in the 1960s for instrument applications such as light-emitting diodes , lasers , visual display units and audio disc players .
3 Minimalist works were originally made in the Sixties for loft spaces .
4 The incident has revived memories of the dark days in the sixties when foot and mouth threatened to wipe out millions of pounds worth of beef and dairy cattle .
5 Opera was rejected in the 60s because modernism found its dependence on human emotions embarrassing and messy , and because it seemed politically inept — a medium housed in monuments to the establishment and inadequate for the expression of political ideologies .
6 This policy was later reversed in the 1970's when procurement was transferred to a department within the Ministry of Defence .
7 ‘ The estate was mortgaged up to the hilt in the thirties when farming was n't paying .
8 National Savings were particularly competitive in the 1980's when emphasis was placed on raising government funds from this source , largely because it relieved the need somewhat to borrow from the banking system which created credit and therefore inflationary conditions , and because of the fear that government borrowing in the long-term capital markets would tend to ‘ crowd-out ’ industrial and commercial companies from that market , and impede their ability to raise funds for capital investment and long-term growth .
9 Thalidomide , the drug prescribed in the Fifties for morning sickness , is the most infamous example .
10 However traffic conditions were changing in the Fifties as car ownership increased , both reducing passengers and increasing road traffic at the same time .
11 If that sounds nauseatingly juvenile , it had a certain aptness in the Fifties when marriage was for many an institution for recreating one 's childhood and centering life once more on the nursery .
12 A number of Royalist prisoners from the civil wars in England and Ireland were transported to the sugar islands in the 1650s as convict labour with the prospect of eventual release to become part of the white garrison , but this barely covered the losses from death and emigration .
13 Not even poverty , for though by the standards of the middle classes all of them had modest incomes — except in such a paradise of labour as Australia in the 1850s where newspaper compositors could earn up to £18 a week — by the standards of the poor there was a vast difference between the well-paid and more or less regularly employed skilled ‘ artisan ’ , who wore a copy of respectable middle-class costume on Sundays or even on the way to and from work , and the ragged starveling who hardly ever knew where his , still less his family 's , next meal was to come from .
14 In the 1860s before Haussmannization had taken effect , class barriers were strong enough so that the ‘ public idiom ’ still was not satisfactorily standardized .
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