Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] [noun pl] i " in BNC.

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1 In the final stages I attempted to draw together the wide ranging tones and then to punctuate these closer tones with an occasional tonic of colour in the foreground — a turquoise yellow or a red .
2 But this ruse failed , for the education journalists were not interested in the nice distinctions I offered them when they interviewed me on the phone .
3 In the pre-machinery days I used to start in August to hand knit gloves for my two school-boy sons .
4 And in fact in the early stages I got one man working for me and er I went back into teaching again for a short time to help out at a school where the the the teacher was ill , and I was teaching in the morning and then doing two-man jobs in the afternoon , and he was doing one man jobs in the morning .
5 In the early days I 'd say David was writing about 90 per cent of the songs .
6 In the early days I had been a bit disappointed that the NUJ had n't immediately leapt to John 's defence , but ever since I had first been to see the General Secretary , Harry Conroy , and his assistant , Tom Nash , the union had done what it could to respond to what was asked of them .
7 He said : ‘ In the early days I always dreamed of going to the Olympics , doing well and then eventually turning professional .
8 In the early days I remember we could spend an hour talking round one position .
9 well in the early days I only got er , what was , what was your , yours a quarter horse power motor was n't it ?
10 In the early months I still had my natural aversion to overcome , before I understood the fundamental strangeness of the process of fruition .
11 In the early years I spent every Sunday bashing rhododendrons — it was like being a nineteenth-century explorer .
12 Changes in conditions , changes in the inanimate forces I have lumped under the general heading of ‘ the weather ’ , are likely to swamp the slow and erratic trends of the arms race , as far as any observer on the ground could be aware .
13 In the above circumstances I believe you are being paid correctly .
14 In the intervening years I allowed myself to be gradually undermined and finally succeeded in losing most outward traces of my cultural identity .
15 Like any other parent with a vested interest in the future generations I am very easily persuaded to do my bit for the environment .
16 In the preceding arguments I have deliberately used the term ‘ enterprise democracy ’ to refer to democratic control by workers over the enterprises which employ them , within the context of the socialist project .
17 In the other fields I 've discussed earlier — public speaking appearing on television , staging a special event , holding a conference , you can ( but you should n't ) kid yourself that they went better than they really did .
18 From my experiences in the Occupied Countries I could tell she was starved .
19 In the present circumstances I felt it … safer … to have the balance of the Council know of my plans .
20 In my judgment , though the introduction of further admissible material will inevitably involve some increase in the use of time , this will not be significant as long as courts insist that Parliamentary material should only be introduced in the limited cases I have mentioned and where such material contains a clear indication from the minister of the mischief aimed at , or the nature of the cure intended , by the legislation .
21 In the following chapters I will attempt to do this , wherever possible .
22 In the following chapters I will look at different methods of applying other sources of knowledge to constrain the search .
23 Now , I 've heard what the move move movers have had to say , and you did , I do n't need to tell conference that most of the business of running the country is actually done outside of the chamber itself , it 's done in the various committees I mean , Dennis Skinner was mentioned there .
24 Former Top 40 presenter Tony Blackburn said : ‘ In the old days I think it meant something to be the Christmas No. 1 and there would be great excitement in the run-up to the last chart .
25 Conchis was no more than the chance agent , the event that had come at the right time ; just as in the old days I might , after a celibate term at Oxford , have met a girl and begun an affaire with her , I had begun something exciting with him .
26 Yes , in the old days I always made his appointments for him . "
27 But first , in looking at the history of classical principles in the previous chapters I have left loose ends untied and contradictions unresolved .
28 In the previous paragraphs I have dealt with predicaments where abortions would be acceptable .
29 There had been little birdsong in the devastated places I had come from and I think it was the striking on my ear of the calling of a blackbird , so meaningful somehow as it sounded out clearly from the delicious chatter in those trees that made me feel the war was over .
30 But as I painted her stomach and breasts in the little kisses I knew she loved , biting and nibbling her all over , trying to relax her , she was still pondering on Changez .
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