Example sentences of "in [art] [adj] [noun pl] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In the final stages the hacker 's personality undergoes a fundamental change .
2 Gradually weight loss occurs despite a good diet , and in the final stages the person ceases to recognise the family or even the self in the mirror , loses bladder and bowel control , any capacity for self-care or ability to communicate in words .
3 In the normal subjects the fasted mean serum APGPR concentration was at the detection limit of the assay but postprandially two peaks of APGPR immunoreactivity were seen in the first and second hours after the start of the meal ( Fig 1 ) .
4 In the indoor galleries a range of exhibitions and audio visual presentations provide background information about the lives and experiences of the thousands of other Ulster-American emigrants and the part they played in the birth and growth of the United States .
5 It should be noted that with low infection rates based on positive cultures ( 145 of 2907 urine samples ) in the antenatal clinics the false negative rate is bound to be low .
6 She slept at last , but in the small hours the nightmare returned .
7 In the small cells the insane had waited on stone beds for the divinely inspired dreams which they believed would offer prescriptions for their cure .
8 In the visual arts the more immediate appeal of the physical and emotional realities of Gothic replaced the more remote , albeit intensely moving , complexities of Romanesque and Celtic styles .
9 In the congressional elections the PRI won a total of 326 seats in the 500-member Chamber of Deputies , the lower house of the Congress , taking 290 of the 300 seats directly contested ( the 200 remaining seats being assigned under a complex system of proportional representation designed to favour smaller parties .
10 Did you know that in the Soviet cities every citizen has been provided with a gas mask ? ’
11 In the botanical gardens a huge tree had fallen and crushed a bus .
12 In the pre-robotised days the job had a number of characteristics which job design experts would have recognised as leading to a reasonably high level of job satisfaction .
13 In the Pastoral Epistles the noun presbyters often appears in the plural , bishop in the singular , suggesting that one man was beginning to have a special position in both worship and charitable administration .
14 In the early stages a higher proportion of errors will occur , but these should be shown to have value in the process of reaching a solution .
15 In the early stages the rigidity of the boots did put pressure on the front of my ankles , making them uncomfortable to wear .
16 In the early stages the generic team responded more quickly , but the specialist team completed the assessment process sooner .
17 Washing facilities are another priority , although in the early stages the patient might be washed in his room , as though he were in hospital .
18 If an item is coached carefully step by step in the early stages the performers are more likely to remember it for future use .
19 In the early hours a Supreme Soviet deputy , Viktor Aivanzian , was shot dead at the headquarters of the Armenian National Army ( ANA — the largest militia group , claiming 160,000 members ) , where he had gone with a contingent from the Armenian Pan-National Movement ( to which the ANA was refusing to subordinate itself ) to discuss a shooting incident of the night before .
20 In the early mornings the heat came in through her open bedroom window and when , later , she went out to take the air , there was no air , only a dense , clinging humidity .
21 As long ago as the twelfth century there appeared in the early bestiaries an illustration of a cunning fox feigning death , surrounded by birds .
22 In the early days a few Members complained about the new lighting , but some adjustments were made and the Committee reported no further objections on these grounds ( although a survey of MPs attitudes following the introduction of television , which was conducted by the IBA , showed that 59% of the respondents found the lighting in the Chamber too bright , compared with 31% before the experiment began ) .
23 In the early days a woman stand-up comic was not really accepted .
24 In the early days the stigma of being HIV positive had driven away about 60% of my circle of friends .
25 In the early days the stigma of being HIV positive had driven away about 60% of my circle of friends .
26 In the early days the stigma of being HIV positive drove away 60% of my circle of friends .
27 Very gifted , but in the early days the ensemble was not always very good .
28 ‘ The officials at Preston have been nothing but encouraging and in the early days the coaching staff put in a lot of time to make up for my lack of experience .
29 In the early days the novelty must have outweighed the discomfort , or no one would have travelled in the first charabancs .
30 To keep it solvent in the early days the office sold travel goods such as baggage , guidebooks and walking-sticks in addition to the tours and other travel arrangements , which were the main source of income .
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