Example sentences of "in [art] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Files concerning his case and the unwillingness of the neutral Irish government to make representations are buried in the vaults of the Irish Foreign Office while Joyce scholars patiently await publication under new public record arrangements .
2 In the vaults of the chapel of the Palace of San Severo .
3 ‘ His moveables are kept in the vaults below the hall here .
4 Gender is a basic grammatical category in the languages of the world .
5 Most claims about markedness involve comparisons across languages ; for example , a particular word order might turn out to be much commoner , less unexpected than the alternatives in the languages of the world or of a certain language family .
6 In particular three forms are prescribed , which to minimise translation problems are required to be printed either in all four official languages of the Organization of American States ( English , French , Portuguese and Spanish ) or at least in the languages of the states of origin and destination .
7 Furthermore , it is tremendously varied in the languages of the world .
8 On the grounds that these seem to be used paradigmatically for ordering , questioning and asserting , respectively , one might argue that it is pointless to search for internal linguistic motivations for these three sentence-types : they recur in the languages of the world because humans are , perhaps , specifically concerned with three functions of language in particular — the organizing of other persons ' actions , the eliciting of information , and the conveying of-formation .
9 Nevertheless , it is likely that in the larger cities at any rate there was considerable change in the personnel of the ruling oligarchies , the members of which clearly were drawn from outside and aspired to return to the country if they could make their fortunes .
10 After sorting out our bases we cut a couple of small gaps in the reeds to our left and right and put in the rests for the cat rods .
11 The belief that the NKLP possessed little if any independence and was a vehicle for the implementation of Soviet foreign policy was held by most American officials , including George Kennan , and was illustrated in the reactions to the events of 25 June 1950 .
12 ‘ Tea ’ , in the lands of the tenement canyons was not a mid-morning ‘ tiffin ’ , but the evening meal .
13 From the Shrine of Asuryan he took ship to Caledor , the only place in the lands of the Elves where a successful stand had been made against the powers of Chaos .
14 You are in the lands of the Yek , and I am a general in the army of the Kha-Khan of the Golden Clan — the Yek Altun .
15 At the same time Bosnia-Hercegovina came under Austro-Hungarian occupation , and Turkey 's waning power in the lands of the South Slavs was confined to Macedonia .
16 Politically it was perhaps not the best time to visit Israel with the deportees refuelling the Intifada unrest in the lands of the West Bank .
17 The particular business can be briefly summarized as filling the vacant patriarchate of Constantinople , hearing the primatial claims of the archbishop of Toledo and dealing with the heresy in the lands of the count of Toulouse .
18 Orcs exist more or less everywhere in the Old World , in the lands to the east , and in the far north western realm of Naggaroth beyond the Sea of Chaos .
19 The strange iridescent metal was almost as highly valued in the lands around the Circle Sea as sapient pearwood , and was about as rare .
20 But together they surged like a tide across the valley , seeking out witches , ghosts and demons : purging their haunts behind rocks , in the highest swaying branches of the pine trees , in the whirlpools by the burning gha where the two great rivers meet .
21 Evidently it did not occur to him that it could also have been a case of the mastery of English becoming a kind of weapon in the mouths of the dispossessed .
22 Thus , when , ο is real and complex conjugates appear in association with s in the denominators of the partial fractions .
23 Comparison of coefficients of , s , and in the denominators of the two expressions for confirms equations ( 12.45 ) — ( 12.48 ) .
24 Unexpectedly peaceful gardens with Delphinium called Johnson 's Blue , some mauve-white and cobalt Campanula ; peonies ; poppies ; trefoils in brilliant mauve ; scents of lavender and musk rose ; four phallic cypress bushes , two of acid-green-yellow , two of dark green ; on the tower , eyeless turrets each with a little pennanted wind-vane , the wind is from the west and the flag flies , brilliant yellow predominating , a ship with sails filled , a cross in black and red , and an antlered deer 's head ; in the bright , southern lee of the castle 's core , long buildings roofed with tiny slates , stepped corners ; the comfort of a loosely-enclosed , highly aromatic rose-garden ; a peony walk , a wall of Euphorbia ; in the reaches of the garden , oasal recesses , stone steps leading up to stone seats ; a bee visited along thick heavy honeysuckle ; rectangular stone troughs , abundant and velvet with flowering plants ; old walls placid with centuries of absorbed heat from the sun ; a holly tree : did Cawdor once contain all the seven sacred trees from the Celtic grove ?
25 If there is no written agreement on the matter , all members of the band share equally in the rights of the name .
26 So the truths only partially apprehended in the aspirations of the greatest classical philosophers of Greece find their fulfilment , and correction , in the framework of the Christian faith .
27 Marina Warner wrote in the catalogue of the exhibition : " The lamb , the skate , the monkfish , the rabbits , the crab , squid , sardines , and the goose which appear to dance and even fly in the embraces of the Lover in the pool have passed into a dreamscape where their existence is no longer actual but only remembered .
28 Mr Delors is accused of sabotaging any chances of a deal because it would hit French farmers and as a result agriculture commissioner Ray MacSharry has resigned as the EC 's chief negotiator in the talks with the US .
29 He played a major role in the talks between the government and Solidarity leaders which in April 1989 paved the way for the dismantling of the communist regime .
30 As to coming together for further talks , I think that I speak for all those who were involved in the talks in the summer , which we concluded , when I say that those who took part in them felt that they were valuable and looked forward to the possibility of being able to hold talks again .
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