Example sentences of "in [art] [noun pl] [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Why does he not call in the authorities that he mentioned — there are others — to identify the problems that confront them and which lead to properties being left empty when clearly , a large number of people are waiting to be housed ?
2 She was so poorly versed in the emotions that she failed to comprehend its true nature .
3 Avoid flailing the vegetation in the gaps in the hedges because it prevents natural regeneration .
4 He could not find any and he realised that it would be the voice of Dame Melba which rang out in the backstreets as he advertised the fact that he had a gramophone for sale .
5 Her shots tore off one man 's ear and wounded another man in the buttocks as he fled from the pub .
6 It 's all to do with the C.O. He wanted to court-martial me , only I heard them trying to find me so I hid in the latrines and I do n't know what happened in the end .
7 We have set out to have specialised knowledge of the technology used in the industries that we serve .
8 There has been more expensive consultation with head teachers and the governors than has been possible er before and I hope the result of that it is reflected in the pages that you have in front of you .
9 The exercise of these powers can not be successfully challenged in the courts unless it can be shown that the Home Secretary has acted unreasonably or perversely .
10 Dr Les Atkinson , vice-president of the chamber and chairman of BP Shipping , forecast : ‘ Any shipowner who disregards this guidance and causes a pollution incident is going to have an impossible task establishing in the courts that he was operating his vessels in a prudent and competent manner . ’
11 Even so , it was equally true that huge sums had been lost in the courts and he called to mind a case from the text books , when a million dollar had been forfeited because of the misplaced comma .
12 But when such circumstances do arise , questions with respect to the appropriate procedure to be followed in requiring drivers to provide specimens of blood or urine have given rise to some difficulties in the courts and it is to the resolution of those questions that this appeal is directed .
13 The culture-ideology of consumerism proclaims , literally , that the meaning of life is to be found in the things that we possess .
14 At the river mouths are stones and huge boulders brought down when the rivers are in flood , although most of the year there is so little water in the rivers that it is hard to imagine .
15 No but I mean in the ones that they have , yes .
16 They are large aquatints delicately hand-coloured , and , in the ones that I have seen , the aquatint is very grey and even , quite unlike the later colour aquatints of 1815 .
17 Because in the ones that I buy it says , not harmful to animals .
18 As for the physical appearance of the people who left behind their stone tools and food refuse , Singer and Wymer can say little because , compared with animal bones , there are few human remains in the deposits and they are mostly fragments of skulls and jawbones and teeth .
19 Well it makes , it makes a difference in the content , it makes a difference in the topics that we cover , that we 're interested in .
20 It has been possible , relatively simply , to prescribe most qualifying lenders on the face of the Bill , but I hope that the Opposition and others will understand that provision for others , including some institutional and centralised lenders , can be made in the regulations that we shall introduce in due course .
21 Erm in the letters that he wrote to this bloke .
22 There was nothing in the letters that you did n't already know , ’ Feargal said .
23 Ruby 's forte was getting her own photograph in the newspapers as she ‘ arrived at the police station to advise officers working on the such-and-such case ’ ; she was a popular television chat show guest ; and she made a decent living from writing about psychometry .
24 We see it in the newspapers and we see it among politicians particularly , who say things they really do not mean , or things they do not even understand … .
25 Dr Howe , who has treated Tony for the past four years , said : ‘ It has been discussed endlessly in the newspapers and I think it is time to let it be . ’
26 Because of his principles he had n't served in the Forces and they 'd made him do labouring jobs instead , so that now his hands were n't what they used to be either .
27 No sisters until mother got married again , and me sister as I call her now , she 's me of course my half sister , Jessie , she was born I 'd be about seventeen cos she did n't get married till after the First World War , remarried me step-father was in the forces and he fought , he actually fought in the Boer War so he was a a soldier in the Boer War and in what we call the Great War , nineteen fourteen to nineteen eighteen , but er I had a misfortune to lose the brother next to me , Frank , which he had what was common in those days tubercular trouble , tubercular tuberculosis affected the bowels , see he died in , on August the fourth nineteen eighteen in the old infirmary that now classed as the Manor Hospital , but that was the old infirmary cos we there was no widow 's pension in those days , our mother was a bridle stitcher and she used to do have an old fashioned clamp , have you ever seen the clamps that are leather , th tha they held them , the leather , she used to stitch bridles at home , we used to help her with waxing the threads have a leather apron and a bit of wax and pull the wax over the thread , and then roll it round till it was strong enough to thread it , we used to make the threads for her to er stitch the bridles .
28 Most of the husbands were in the Forces and mine was at home and er any way er before I left two two different women had had babies and had abortions and died .
29 more than seemed to be indicated in the figures that we 've got , because Buck 's figures for the extent of supplementary income are I know they 're significant but they 're not enough to the kinds of levels people had been living at .
30 It certainly has no basis in the figures that I have just given him in answer to his question .
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