Example sentences of "in [art] [noun sg] [verb] [det] " in BNC.

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1 In total , the actions included in the Plan cover all road users but specific attention has been given to initiatives targeted at those road users most at risk , especially children and elderly people .
2 Herzen 's suggestion that it continue in the West created more problems than it solved .
3 In the carve gybe this is a good thing since a competent windsurfer will cut many corners of the original technique to make it smoother .
4 The component of curvature perpendicular to the surface is the same for all of them , and in the case illustrated this is 1/r .
5 In the case shown this is 341 .
6 Out in the hall sat several poor unsuspecting patrons of the hotel , one of whom was possibly rich as well as unsuspecting .
7 The leading masquer then stood on the dais , whilst a herald challenged anyone in the hall to play this strange man at dice .
8 Mr Clarke said that at present no one in the service had any particular incentive to reduce waiting lists .
9 It was quite an achievement for anyone in the theatre to command that many column inches in The Times .
10 An equality of influence in the world between superpowers in the capacity to annihilate each other ( and ourselves ) may , for a while , alter the course of human history from one of repeated wars of a more or less controlled sort of strictly limited skirmishes in ‘ away from home ’ territories .
11 He and I had had a heart to heart in the hotel following some comments supposedly made by him about me in the press , more particularly in the Sun .
12 feeling complete , replete , like a cat sleeping in the sun has all four paws buried under its furred belly , sun too hot to move , tail wrapped over its sleeping nose , I went back to our bed to curl up next to where you had been .
13 There was little or no evidence of ‘ home comforts ’ in the cells , the walls of which were plain concrete , with cot-type beds and what really amounted to a hole in the wall to house each occupant 's personal effects .
14 Murder in the Cathedral addressed such matters , posed in a different way .
15 Meanwhile , in the Moldavian republic several people were hurt when nationalists battled with police as growing unrest in the country wrecked some regional celebrations of the Revolution .
16 At the end of 1989 joint military exercises were held with Singapore ( in Indonesia ) , and this led to speculation that Singapore might wish to negotiate military training facilities in the country to replace those which it currently used in Taiwan .
17 On Sunday I have been invited to a farmhouse-restaurant in the country to sample some rural Brazilian fare .
18 Why should people in the country have these in their food ?
19 There are only 5 centres in the country doing this work and the Oxford Rhesus Therapy Unit is trying to raise £40,000 to buy an up to date scanner .
20 Everybody in the country knows that .
21 WORLD recession is blamed for the problems in our own economy but only a minority of people in the country accept that .
22 ‘ It is one of the few hospices in the country to have all four services actually working from one centre . ’
23 We will argue to extend majority voting in the Council to cover all areas of Community policy other than constitutional and crucial security matters .
24 But there is a danger in the head mirroring this energising , anxiety-making delivery .
25 The fishing fleets that had gone to Newfoundland since early in the century indicated another possible area for settlement , and Gilbert lost his life in 1583 on the way back from inspecting the prospects for a colony there .
26 Debbie sports a Medicine shirt , to remind us that the difficult West Coast noiseniks were once to play Rollercoaster , but would 've had to go on at about three in the afternoon to meet some venues ' childish curfews .
27 My parents were discussing some incident in the past and , when I joined in the conversation to ask some question , they told me , as they often had on similar occasions , ‘ Of course , that was before you were born . ’
28 Conti is caddish in the brightly-coloured ties that top off his strictly-Establishment suits , and his upper-middle-class-accent is amusingly slurred in the manner of a drunk with a nasal complaint .
29 A man in the basement toils all day making up brown paper packages .
30 In the bargaining to settle this question , it was further agreed that France would support London as the location for the new European Bank for Reconstruction and Development , while the UK would support the French nominee for director [ see pp. 37465-66 for signing of EBRD charter ] .
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