Example sentences of "in [noun sg] between the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The government has a list of long-promised infrastructure projects that could make up for the fall in private investment , though a bitter dispute in progress between the government and foreign banks that have lent 20 billion baht ( $187m ) for an elevated motorway in Bangkok may make finance for future projects harder to come by .
2 We may notice too that since pleasures tend to fade unless varied at every recurrence it is difficult to distinguish in practice between the man who lives for pleasure and the man who lives for new experiences .
3 There has , I believe , been a significant improvement in liaison between the Bar and the Inns .
4 This means that statements can be made describing typical differences in wealth between the country groups without needing to mention the differences in spread in the same breath .
5 Secondly , the difference in wealth between the bourgeoisie and the proletariat will increase as the accumulation of capital proceeds .
6 Radio Lock , at $99.95 , is a steel bar with lock which runs diagonally across the avionics stack and is attached to two steel nuts which must be installed in the panel , from Aircraft Security & Alert Systems B&J Locking Bars comprise a cross-shaped steel tube arrangement specifically for Cessna singles and the Skymaster twin which is padlocked in place between the control wheel tubes , locking the controls and blocking access to avionics Do readers know of any enterprising UK manufacturers or importers marketing such gadgets ?
7 In the notebooks , Marx explains the difference in nature between the descent group , ( the gens ) and the family .
8 Its scientists have snipped through the genes of tomato plants to produce a version that will ripen and develop full flavour without going soft and spoiling in transit between the grower and supermarket shelves .
9 Cot death , or sudden infant death syndrome ( SIDS ) , is the commonest cause of death in infancy between the age of one month and one year , and affects between 2 and 2.3 per thousand live births in the UK .
10 If the raw material of most of these ergs has been provided by other agencies , as differences in character between the surface wind-worked material and the sand at depth seem to indicate , then the locations of desert dunes , coastal dunes and periglacial dunes all seem to depend on the concentration of sand provided by some.other factor .
11 The broker claimed damages , for breach of contract , of over £250,000 based on the wasted expense and the difference in price between the system obtained and a new system that would be capable of doing the work .
12 This Commission had undertaken an immensely detailed study of poverty and poor relief and had ended in conflict between the majority of its members and a minority composed of Beatrice Webb , George Lansbury , Frances Chandler and the Rev. Russell Wakefield , Dean of Norwich .
13 There is no discernible difference in quality between the timbre of the B ♭ and A clarinet , though performers seem to prefer the A instrument on the whole .
14 Traditionally there was no distinction in Arabic between the language used in conversation , in correspondence , or in literature .
15 There have also been difficulties in securing spare parts from the Soviet Union following a general decline in trade between the Union and its former satellites .
16 The peppercorn was valued very highly and was frequently used in trade between the East and the West .
17 There was no significant difference in age between the group of 23 patients ( median age 42 , range 28–78 ) and the 17 controls ( median age 42 , range 28–69 ) .
18 The huge difference in size between the drum and oval window means that sounds , particularly low frequencies , are amplified 100 times , instead of just eighteen times as in the human ear .
19 The shore ends of the cable used solid armoured wires instead of the stranded type and the cable itself was gradually reduced in size between the shore and the deep sea section in three stages — a practice still followed today .
20 Polymer solutions tend to fall into category ( iii ) and the non-ideal behaviour can be attributed not only to the existence of a finite heat of mixing but also to the large difference in size between the polymer and solvent molecules .
21 The voluntary agreements are negotiated in secret between the Government and the tobacco industry .
22 But when she came to one edge of the paving slabs … she tripped and fell ; and it was common ground that there was a difference in height between the concrete and the paving slab of an inch and a half …
23 Below the vernier is an illuminated mute button which shuts down the output socket sited on the far right , so when the tuner is put in line between the guitar and amp it mutes the signal after the tuner , for silent tuning on stage .
24 The duties will be decided in discussion between the Secretary of Faculties and the Deputy Registrar ( Administration ) but are likely to involve a combination of ad hoc tasks and working parties and assistance in servicing various boards and committees , academic or administrative , the precise details of which will be settled according to the qualifications and experience of the successful candidate .
25 As in our study , their is a clear difference in survival between the curative and non-curative groups .
26 This may be because of the difference in lithology between the platform sediments of the Z2 and Z3 Carbonates , but is also possible that the episodes of exposure and leaching in the Z3 Carbonate were of shorter duration and therefore less effective in generating porosity .
27 Earlier this month , an agreement was reached in principle between the Government and representatives of international oil companies and tanker operators on a voluntary scheme under which tankers would avoid a number of sensitive areas .
28 There should be no difference in principle between the patient diagnosed as having irreparable kidney failure who refuses to submit to dialysis on an artificial kidney or who refuses to continue such treatment and the polio victim on the ventilator who requested that the machine be switched off .
29 No simple statement can be made summarizing typical differences in GNP between the country groups in figure 11.3 , for example , because they differ systematically in spread as well as in level .
30 The Way Ahead Committee has made significant progress and I believe most strongly that the future lies in cooperation between the Bar Council and the Inns , built on mutual respect and trust , rather than confrontation .
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