Example sentences of "in [pos pn] [adj] life [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In My Early Life he says I had picked up a wide vocabulary and a liking for the feel of words fitting and falling into their places like pennies in the slot .
2 My father worked on the railway and in my conscious life he was a supervisor , he was called an inspector , Inspector .
3 There is little point in getting worked up about the way different people use words ( although in my nonprofessional life I am quite prepared to get worked up about people who boil lobsters alive ) .
4 IN my previous life I used to be an Eldorado script .
5 I think in any marriage or in any family the father and the mother both play different parts , and in my own life I can remember things my mother did and things my father did and together it made for a happy home .
6 In my next life I shall be a Jew or a Spaniard or an Eskimo or just a fully committed anarchist like everybody else , Alexis decided .
7 Few men living in Leicester were not , Theda reflected , for in her former life she had learned early that this was the best hunting country in England .
8 For the first time in her married life she saw pain in her husband 's eyes , as though she had plunged a knife into his body .
9 It was what was in her immediate life she was fed up with — anything distant or in the past could bring out her interest .
10 And for once in her misbegotten life she was right .
11 Something in his private life we know nothing about . ’
12 In his early life he was a keen explorer and traveller , and his photographs of life in Meiji Japan are of historical interest .
13 In his later life he became for a few months nearly as famous as Ramsey , though in a different context .
14 In his later life he wrestled , unsuccessfully , with the idea of a united field theory , and clashed with Niels Bohr over the scope and meaning of quantum mechanics .
15 He says unless you know what goes on in his daily life you do n't realise what he goes through .
16 In his own life it had always been he who was the supplicant , telephoning Diana from call boxes on his rounds in the hope of closing some nagging gap of intimacy left at breakfast , and always having to hide the agony of dread that her casualness could cause him for fear of the danger of irritating her .
17 When we use fractions in our everyday life they have to be a fraction of something .
18 But , in our everyday life it is n't like that is it ?
19 I said well what you do in your private life it 's up to you if you want to get drunk and you want to spend money then that 's fine but once you step over that clock tower I said and you start interfering with my work it 's a different thing , I said well I 've and I 've just said nothing because although you ai n't worked right , at least you 've sort of you 've work in this factory sort of in the morning , you 've got over it but
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