Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [verb] [pron] the " in BNC.

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1 The problem with framing the duty to act in the company 's interests in terms of subjective intentions , however , is that in practice determining what the directors ' true objectives are will often be beyond the court 's capabilities .
2 Well , rightly or wrongly we 've come to arrangements with the Liberals , not because we like the Liberals , not because we wanted to , but we , we were fed up with be being in opposition to tell you the truth .
3 It was whilst working my way through this , often writing in the column headings for several pages in advance to give myself the illusion that I had completed more than I actually had , that two important suspicions that had lain dormant for some time rose up and took on the aspect of horribly credible hypotheses .
4 One of the real achievements of the revolutionary government has been to reform land-ownership , in theory giving everyone the right to farm .
5 If the exclusive is now commonplace ( it is n't really , but unfortunately some people do n't know that ) , and if exclusivity can mean so many different things simultaneously , it has now become necessary to look beyond just fashion in apparel to explore what the class-cultural dynamics now are .
6 Depending on the circumstances and the provisions of the partnership agreement : ( 1 ) he may be justified in treating the service of an invalid expulsion notice as an event which in turn gives him the right to serve a similar notice ; or ( 2 ) he may ( not unreasonably ) be able to contend that the service of an invalid notice is such breach of good faith as to justify his seeking a dissolution of the firm ; or ( 3 ) he may be tempted to sue for damages , though these would be particularly difficult to quantify and it does not seem that the service of an invalid notice would be held to amount to a repudiatory breach of the partnership agreementsee Woodar Investment Development Ltd v Wimpey Construction UK Ltd [ 1980 ] 1 WLR 277. ( e ) Waiver of the right to expel Once circumstances exist which might justify the exercise of a power to expel , the partners should not delay bringing matters to a head .
7 Captain America 's main man EUGENE KELLY got in touch to tell us the latest development , namely the withdrawing of the sleeve , and added : ‘ I have for a long time been a devoted customer of C&A and will only wear socks and pants with the C&A label .
8 Apple liked the idea so much that they invested a 20% stake in Adobe making themselves the largest customer .
9 If one has to resort to such an intentional framework in order to make sense of the behaviour , in order to explain what the creatures are doing and why , and has so to resort after exhausting all possibilities of more austere , less anthropomorphic frameworks of explanation , then one is on the route to linguistic meanings .
10 Scenes are also still hand-coloured in order to give them the classic Disney feel , but developments in automatic colouring systems could well change this before too long .
11 Small children can sometimes be persuaded to eat cow cake in the same way that old people will eat cat food , but the chief result of all this farming was to produce huge food mountains which we could then refuse to give to the Third World , or to the socialists of Eastern Europe , in order to teach them the error of their ways .
12 Until early in the eighteenth century , moreover , foreign diplomats when given audience by the sultan were expected to wear a Turkish-style robe over their normal clothing in order to spare him the repellent sight of European dress .
13 With the upstart Parsons that margin was as wide as a motorway , of course , but even Thomas Carter , Nature 's gentleman , could n't help getting it ever so slightly wrong , in his case by bending over backwards to minimize his achievements and rubbish his accomplishments in order to spare you the painful comparison with your own lacklustre status .
14 Yes , erm tha that 's that 's an explanation really of what is in the picture and somebody comments on it in in in order to suggest what the point being made is .
15 It seems to be one thing ( and a wrong thing by the Bill of Rights ) , to impeach or question proceedings in Parliament ; it seems to be quite another to ask a House to confirm whatever it is necessary to confirm in order to ascertain what the House has resolved .
16 A part of the recent NHS White paper was devoted to the need for hospitals to undertake much more extensive ‘ market research ’ in order to establish what the clients ( patients ? ) wanted to be provided .
17 Similarly , McDonald 's constantly reviews the recipes of its menu items and makes improvements to these recipes in order to bring you the highest quality , best-tasting food .
18 The rule as now settled is that they are inadmissible in order to show what the committee thought its proposals meant , but admissible under the rule in Heydon 's case to the extent that they show the mischief against which the Act was directed .
19 In order to discover what the patient can and can not do , the nurse will be seeking answers to the following questions :
20 The language of the Code is taken to constitute the major premise so that Lord Herschell said in Bank of England v Vagliano Brothers [ 1891 ] AC 107 : " [ T ] he law should be ascertained from interpreting the language used instead of , as before , roaming over a vast number of authorities in order to discover what the law was … " ( p145 ) .
21 I attended the launch of the Wearfit Club but did so in order to discover what the circus was all about .
22 I heard him at it several times , pretending to joke his daughter , but in fact making her the butt of his mockery .
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