Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [noun] from [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A rise in money supply from M to M' will lead to a fall in the rate of interest from r 1 to r 2 .
2 With a very shallow L curve ( as in Figure 18.3 ) , a rise in money supply from M to M' will only lead to a small fall in the rate of interest from r 1 to r 2 .
3 A major part of the research programme is the study of fuel formulations and the associated changes in engine design to achieve a cost-effective reduction in exhaust emissions from road vehicles .
4 Cytochrome b plays a key role in electron transfer from ubiquinone to cytochrome c ( 22 ) .
5 Building on recent theoretical and experimental developments in electron holography from surface structures , we show here that three-dimensional images with atomic resolution can be obtained by a direct transform of conventional LEED intensity spectra .
6 If they think of history , it may be hard not to see it in dressing-up terms from telly watching .
7 It is also possible to buy both the mechanics and the electronics for model servos in kit form from specialist suppliers .
8 The relation between lifetime average lead concentration and IQ showed an inverse gradient , with an increase in lead levels from 10µg/dl to 30µg/dl showing a decrease in IQ of 4–5% .
9 This development in ski goggles from Solar is not going to change the world , but it 's interesting nonetheless .
10 The largest reductions in affinity result from mutation of G2 or A3 , and their symmetry equivalents , which form direct hydrogen bonds to the protein .
11 Carey would play the role again in a 1936 remake , and the same plot would serve for James Stewart in Dynamite Man From Glory Jail and William Farnsworth in The Grey Fox .
12 Here in the UK we are used to major variations in water chemistry from area to area despite this being only a small country ; the huge Amazon system , however , consists generally of soft and acid waters .
13 Variable also in mantle colour from silver grey to slate grey ; the British and Western European argentatus the palest , but other races , notably heuglini ( N W Russia ) and atlantis ( Atlantic Islands ) almost as dark as Lesser Black-back .
14 This is also quite impossible nearly all restaurant meals are very low in fibre content and nearly every dish varies in calorie content from restaurant to restaurant .
15 The confidence limits for assessing likely changes in impact factor from year to year can also be assigned ( Nieuwenhuysen 1989 ) .
16 There must be a major shift in Government resources from road to rail .
17 The Campaign for Tax Relief and Childcare pressure group estimates the cost to the Treasury of exempting places in workplace nurseries from tax at £3.4 million , while the cost of exempting other employer subsidies such as vouchers and allowances would be £1.7 million .
18 Our sample appears to confirm that collective bargaining practice has followed the initial approach of union policy in giving little weight to the less quantifiable changes in working conditions from application of new technology and systems , especially in job design and its effects on the quality of working life .
19 In tRNA Asp from yeast and X.laevis pseudouridine ( Ψ ) is formed at positions 13 , 32 and 55 ( 23 ) .
20 The increased interest of larger companies in the contact lens industry has had several effects , including a move away from lenses made by lathe cutting in prescription houses from polymer blanks , to the in-house control of material manufacture , lens fabrication and the supply of finished lenses by a smaller number of larger concerns .
21 The benefits of the Virgin Music acquisition will not be reflected in first-half figures from music and TV group Thorn EMI .
22 Costs a fortune in bus fares from town you know .
23 A comparison of the estimated concentration of fallout from the Windscale cloud across the country with changes in death rates from leukaemia is revealing .
24 However , in recent years the number and diversity of these studies has grown substantially to such a point where evidence from America , Japan , Europe and Australia all point to a link between moderate drinking and a significant reduction in death rates from heart disease * .
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