Example sentences of "in [noun sg] [coord] for [adj] " in BNC.

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1 However , the effects of polysyllabic environments are of the greatest interest , both for the study of sound-change in progress and for historical exploration .
2 None can work well in isolation and for that reason it is reassuring that the CBI , in pressing its case for the TECs to be the local regulators of vocational training , stresses the importance of the young person 's ( and the adult worker 's ) " personal file " , building on the existing good practice of records of achievement in schools .
3 28.6% were left-handed and this figure was much the same for those killed in action and for those killed in other ways .
4 Methods used for distance learning , for special groups in industry and for individual researchers will be considered and there will be opportunities to exchange views and ideas and involve the manufacturers of thermal analysis equipment in informal discussion .
5 M.Ps have no privilege protecting them against an arrest on criminal charges but they are protected against arrest in connection with a civil matter while parliament is in session and for 40 days before and after .
6 With the twelfth-century expansion of the European economy there was an increasing demand for tin for domestic use in pewter and for ecclesiastical use in bell-metal .
7 By an order dated 5 June 1992 made on the application of Brent London Borough Council , the second defendant in wardship proceedings , the judge committed M. , the plaintiff in the proceedings , to prison for a period of six months for , inter alia , assaulting an employee of the local authority in court and for damaging property within the precincts of the Royal Courts of Justice .
8 The short flats are good for this ; they are also useful for blocking in colour and for short strokes .
9 Education plans are made well in advance and for each intake of learners it should be possible to predict their whereabouts for the whole of the training period .
10 These more structuralist accounts recognise , along with pluralists , that politically there is a myriad of pressures forcing governments to grow in size and for public spending to increase .
11 Be prepared for a breakdown in communication and for certain individuals to misbehave or let you down around the 12th and the 26th .
12 PhotoFinish 2.0 is a low-cost alternative to the so-called professional packages which provides the user with a great many of the tools he/she will need to manipulate images for inclusion in DTP or for public consumption in electronic form .
13 The defendant on being told this alibi must immediately amplify it under questioning , and can be ‘ gonged ’ for undue hesitation in answering or for any vagueness in answering ( he must not say ‘ I think so ’ or ‘ That is probably what I would have done ’ ) .
14 No longer is the conservatory a room which is used only in summer and for that reason double glazing is generally standard nowadays .
15 Within each of these varieties , there is a range of styles which the speaker can draw on in conversation or for other types of talk .
16 a list of all versions of the module contained in LIFESPAN and for each version :
17 The dialogue-based text is ideal for reading aloud in class or for encouraging pupils to act out the stories .
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