Example sentences of "in [adj] a [noun sg] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ But its situation , ’ continues Johnson , ‘ seems well chosen for pleasure , if not for strength ’ ; and then in half a sentence he gives us a glimpse of local life and activity : ‘ It stands at the head of the lake and , by a sloop of sixty tuns , is supplied from Inverness with great convenience ’ — which description immediately conjures the vessel plying up and down Loch Ness with provisions , armaments , soldiers ' wives .
2 In half an hour we shall not be able to see our hands in front of our faces .
3 In half an hour we shall be riding north , victors . ’
4 In half an hour she felt a lot better , but I knew now it would be my job to see her safely down to the hut .
5 In half an hour she was packed .
6 If it was something he had n't seen before , he 'd bend over it like it was a babby , and in half an hour he 'd know that machine inside out . ’
7 First , I wanted to see the Castle of Zenda and in half an hour I had climbed the hill to it .
8 In half an hour I will ask you again about my brothers . ’
9 Only do n't be too long ; if Matt 's not back in half an hour I 'm going home . ’
10 In half an hour it was all planned .
11 In half an hour it would be time to take her loaves out of the oven : the only drawback to her new business was that it meant getting up early every single morning of the year .
12 We were in such a state we decided to swallow what seemed the bitter pill of Thatcherism .
13 ‘ They reckoned it was haunted and no one would buy it , and in the end it got in such a state they got the council to pull it down .
14 In fact , when he drove us home he was in such a state I had to get out of the van .
15 I can see that in such a case they might make a gift of paintings or other works of art for tax reasons , for example , and would n't care if they were sold or not .
16 In such a case it was argued , following St Augustine , that since the soldier was in the service of his lord , it was the lord who must accept responsibility .
17 Reversing the courts below , the Court of Appeal refused his application ; his credibility was the key issue , and in such a case it was of ‘ extreme importance ’ that his evidence be tested by cross-examination in open court .
18 In such a case it is suggested that you have a door made in either Douglas fir or hemlock and specify that the timber should be in accordance with Class I of BS 1186 ‘ Timber for and workmanship in joinery ’ : Part I specification for timber .
19 In such a case it can pay to set up an ancillary file when the file is loaded .
20 In such a case it will very frequently involve a lesser or lesser-known crime .
21 In such a case it is possible for either the seller or the buyer to commit an anticipatory breach of contract , i.e. to repudiate the contract before the time for performance .
22 If appearing on behalf of a respondent in such a case it would be essential to argue the alternative reasons when showing what was the reason for dismissal .
23 In such a case it may well be advisable to draw up the contract to cover stages that can be defined in this way and make contracts for succeeding stages conditional upon achieving agreed criteria of success for prior stages .
24 In such a case it is not caught by s. 22 unless it is by itself a contract for sale [ of land ] …
25 The method is of special advantage in cases when a seller delivers an epitome of title accompanied by photographic copies of the title documents , some perhaps complicated and lengthy ; in such a case it may be expedient to make your own " notes on title " on the epitome itself to save duplication of documents .
26 In such a case it will be difficult to persuade a court to imply any further obligation : see the judgment of Lord Denning in Potters Ballottini Ltd v Weston-Baker [ 1977 ] RPC 202 .
27 The court discussed the example of a solicitor 's clerk and said that in such a case it would be improper for him to work for another solicitor in his spare time .
28 In such a case it will invite discount houses and clearing banks to bid for Treasury bills of one or more specified maturities .
29 In such a case he would be bound to take the woman as he found her , if sued by her , and her pregnancy would be just as much a a physical condition in his victim as would be the case of a person having an eggshell skull .
30 In such a case you are entitled to keep your contractual rights although many new owners will try to renegotiate these .
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