Example sentences of "in [adj] [adv] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After Egypt was conquered by the Persian king Kambyses in 525 BC the Greeks and Karians lost their old employers ; but it is certain from several pieces of evidence that they stayed on under the new management , as distinct ethnic groups , surviving until and beyond the Macedonian takeover in 331 .
2 He chose to take up the issue precisely because he thought it could not possibly lead to war , in that neither the Tsar , nor the Sultan in whose Empire Jerusalem was , would see the issue as of such importance .
3 They are unique among the deer family in that both the males and females have antlers which are eaten when shed to build up the reindeer 's calcium stocks .
4 In temperate areas the epidemiology is somewhat similar to that of D. viviparus in that both the survival of overwintered larvae on pasture and the role of the ewe as a carrier are significant factors in the persistence of infection on pasture from year to year in endemic areas .
5 The same question I asked at city hall , it 's slightly different in that now the council has left two and a half available over the next erm three years given that it is not already taken .
6 This operation is evidently an extension of the I operation ; instead of adding multiples of a different row ( or column ) to a given row , it adds multiples of the same row ; however , it differs in that now the determinant is l .
7 This is not an ideal solution , in that inevitably the Manager also wishes to do some ordinary non-privileged work at the same time .
8 Following on from the theory of inflation as a display , it would be interesting to know if anything has ever been observed on the breeding activity of these fish , as an even more outrageous through occurs to me in that maybe the Puffer is one sex of the species exhibiting its mating display .
9 In 1850 therefore the deer were officially banished , and in five years they had all been killed off .
10 In 1872 however the period was reduced to twelve months and seven days .
11 In 487 BC the archonship ceased to be an elected position , chosen by the aristocracy , and was henceforth filled by lot , while in 461 BC the council of the Areopagus , composed of the ex-archons , was deprived of its powers .
12 In 487 BC the archonship ceased to be an elected position , chosen by the aristocracy , and was henceforth filled by lot , while in 461 BC the council of the Areopagus , composed of the ex-archons , was deprived of its powers .
13 Deflationary pressure in the budget was expected to come from a continuing reduction in the fiscal deficit , to 5 per cent of gross domestic product ( GDP ) in 1992-93 ( compared with 8.4 per cent in 1990-91 and 6.5 per cent in 1991-92. i.e. the year ending March 31 , 1992 ) .
14 In the 18 years 1798–1815 inclusive , for each million tons sold there were 0.62 explosions and approximately 11 deaths ; in 1817–1834 inclusive the cost was 0.68 explosions , a 10 per cent increase , but with the loss of only 8.7 lives : for 1839–1844 , this had fallen further to 6.5 lives , But the three periods are not easily comparable ; the new production came not from the old collieries described but from new and ever deeper ones to the south and east made accessible after 1815 by steam-and-gravity operated railways .
15 In 1922 even the Moscow intelligentsia continued to confuse Old and New Style dates .
16 It is clear though that the economic tide was running very much in the party 's direction in 1915–16 ; in 1915 the first industrial tariffs for half a century were imposed , and by a Liberal Chancellor ; in 1916 even the Manchester Chamber of Commerce joined in the demand for industrial protection , causing the resignation of its chairman in protest at the abandonment of a century of belief in free trade .
17 In 586 BC the Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem , including the Temple , and many of the inhabitants of the southern kingdom , Judaea , were deported to Babylonia .
18 In 1914 only the United Kingdom sent more of its manufactures to non-European nations than to European ; yet she was also Germany 's best customer , and Germany came second only to India as a buyer of British goods .
19 In 66 AD the Jews rebelled against their Roman overlords in Palestine .
20 There is no known plan of the arrangements at Stretford Bridge when the BCR opened , and by the time the first 1/2500 scale Ordnance Survey plan was surveyed in 1883 only the platform remained .
21 While still a student he won in 1912 both the chair and the crown at the National Eisteddfod of Wales in Wrexham , a feat repeated by him in 1915 at the National Eisteddfod held in Bangor .
22 The main advantage of a limited company is that in general only the company and not the individual is liable for the business debts .
23 In 1945 both the US and Soviet governments raced to recognize the new Jewish state .
24 In 1442 both the king and the dauphin , Louis , went on an expedition into Aquitaine which greatly troubled the government in London .
25 Tradition has it that at the cremation of Gautama Buddha in India in 543 BC the tooth survived the flames and was brought to Kandy in the fourth century AD .
26 In 1955 also the idea of a Children 's Church on Sunday mornings was first suggested ( thought it did not start till November 1960 ) and in December 1955 for the first time there was a Christmas tree in church .
27 Blessed are those who are persecuted in holy right the kingdom of heaven is theirs .
28 In 1967 too the Warsaw Pact states declared that West Germany should recognise East Germany as the first step to meaningful détente but Brandt could not yet go so far : most West Germans still hoped for the reunification of Germany .
29 In 1990 alone the deficit with the EEC was £13,000 million ( some £30 million per day ) ; with the rest of the world Britain 's surplus in 1990 was £2,000 million .
30 Exports to western countries increased from US$ 6.1 billion to nearly US$7.3 billion ; the number of joint ventures from 1972 to 1989 was ( in round figures ) 1,000 , whereas in 1990 alone the number of new joint ventures reached 4,000 perhaps with the help of a revival of commercial law the ‘ tortuous and costly road of socialism which leads from capitalism to capitalism ’ is made smoother and swifter .
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