Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun pl] and it " in BNC.

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1 There is some movement either way , but in broad terms and it seems to me what proponents of other sectors are doing basically , is suggesting that their particular segment is better because of erm possible improvements which may or may not take in the future .
2 Civilian revolution was organized in Masonic lodges and it is the undoubted contribution of Freemasonry to the Revolution of 1820 that created the myth of its occult force .
3 Contrast enhanced computed tomography ( n=29 ) , or operation ( n=15 ) , or both confirmed the diagnosis in 32 patients and it was confirmed by ultrasound scan in the remaining four patients .
4 Given their manpower resources , it is not reasonable to expect the police to be able to enforce rigorously a large-scale , blanket speed limit in residential areas and it is apparent that they do not try to do so .
5 These older boards still sail perfectly well in lighter winds and it is only when you start improving to stronger wind conditions that the difference becomes apparent .
6 Holders of this theory would suggest that syphilis was already established in Europe in pre-Columbian days and it was the increase in knowledge and the travel resulting from the Renaissance that made it appear as if a new disease had been introduced .
7 But we were moving in different directions and it had been clear for some while that we stayed together out of habit .
8 And the accumulation of capital has been internationalized by the internationalization of production : it has generated flows of direct investment as multinationals expand their enterprises in different countries and it has also indirectly generated flows of portfolio investment as the multinationals ' cash and financing needs have been channelled through the financial markets of the City , New York and Tokyo .
9 Children cope in different ways and it may be that the only support they need is from you .
10 Recognise that addictive diseases affects different people in different ways and it is very variable in its intensity but that all share the denial of believing that they are not addicted : the crucial test of addiction is not whether one can stop the use of an addictive substance or behaviour but whether one can happily stay off and not be drawn back to it or to something equally addictive .
11 We have been living in exciting times and it has needed a strong hand to keep order in the town , where all the disorderly elements tried to take advantage of the situation .
12 This is important to stress , because the tradition of over.selling still persists in some quarters and it is possible to find extravagantly foolish predictions and claims within the educational technology literature , which will be a considerable embarrassment to the many sensible and imaginative teachers who have applied the method and found it helpful to them .
13 Graphic Communication is a new subject in Scottish schools and it replaces Technical Drawing .
14 And they were tiny and we tied them in wee bunches and it was Miss who was the teacher then and she made a cross and put
15 Above all else , Baker understood the essential role of compromise in executive-legislative relations and it was the LSG that prevailed upon Reagan to give ground on the tax cut by accepting reductions of 5 per cent — 10 per cent — 10 per cent in three successive years in place of the 10 per cent — 10 per cent — 10 per cent of Kemp-Roth .
16 It 's also the first major re-design of the spreadsheet in 10 years and it 's a vast improvement .
17 Soldiers , right , stab her and they 're all dying and then you see the head like it 's just all dressed up in these things and it 's Arnie underneath it and he takes the head off
18 Events move swiftly in these films and it 's very easy to miss things .
19 There are difficulties in these techniques and it has proved more effective most of the time to use techniques which involve perception rather than direct interference with brain processes .
20 I know the people in these bands and it 's nothing different to what I grew up with .
21 This has meant a fall in the demand for residential care which had been increasing rapidly in previous years and it is the duty of the relevant authorities to plan future provision er so that everything will work smoothly for those most in need .
22 It gives the impression we 're prepared to spend the money and that 's what 's happened in previous years and it should n't happen .
23 Nevertheless , there are common features in organisational structures and it is helpful to analyse some of the most typical features .
24 However , the phenomenon is unusual in healthy individuals and it is conceivable that circulation stresses may have similar effects on platelets in vivo .
25 They know that their children are stronger than them in many ways and it is hard for them to come to terms with that and still keep their dignity and self-respect .
26 West European governments never expected the Final Act to work an instant revolution in international affairs and it was always understood that many questions lay beyond its scope .
27 There was a large pool of unemployed in those days and it seemed to us that no sooner were you in than they were trying to get you off the job .
28 Her baby was due in five days and it had tasted nothing but tears .
29 The use of hydrogen bonds , that is hydroxyl groups ( -OH ) ( see Appendix 1 ) to control adhesion at an interface is very common in living organisms and it is presumably a convenient method where the environment is continuously wet .
30 Her father was a dealer in second-hand cars and it seemed he did pretty well at it .
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