Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun pl] [pers pn] be " in BNC.

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1 In normal circumstances it is difficult to know the limits of one 's own capability , let alone those of the organization .
2 The old man explained his views on the matter afterwards to a Christian friend , ‘ For an ordinary man in normal circumstances it is enough that he believe faithfully in God .
3 Wycliffe felt sure that in normal circumstances she was a cheerful woman , more ready to laugh than cry .
4 In strong syllables it is comparatively easy to distinguish from , from , but in weak syllables the difference is not so clear .
5 In broad terms it was found that British managements had adopted a control system which relied little upon direct managerial intervention and allowed the workforce a greater say in decision-making , essentially as a recognition of the de facto power of trade unions and shopfloor organisation within the industry .
6 Under permanently wet conditions , small mammal bone becomes soft and easily broken , and it has been found that small mammal bones preserved in wet caves become extensively broken , whereas in dry caves they are better preserved , but other factors may also modify such an assemblage .
7 After being educated in private schools he was apprenticed to a mechanical engineer , and before the age of twenty-one had attained a position of responsibility in the works .
8 IIb : in economic terms they are qualitatively different .
9 To a certain extent this made economic and political sense : in economic terms it is where the council had most leverage and control , and in political terms it represented a move to a new base , one built on the strength of the white-collar and public sector unions in the changing economy and society of Sheffield .
10 In entrenched provisions it was established that a new roll of African voters ( the African higher roll ) would be created with the same qualifications as those for the European roll , i.e. either an income of 1,800 Rhodesian dollars per annum or ownership of property valued at not less than $3,600 , or , an income of $1,200 per annum or ownership of property valued at not less than $2,400 and four years of secondary education .
11 In political terms it was a sensible alliance for a fifteen-year-old heiress deprived of a father 's or an uncle 's protection .
12 His wealth made him one of the principal paymasters of the English Catholic community , and in political circles he was generally seen as the leader of Catholic opinion .
13 In cubic terms it is seven times the size of Louis XIV 's palace at Versailles .
14 Women can expect to have between live and eight children as a general rule , and in rural areas it is not uncommon for women to have up to I5 pregnancies .
15 In rural areas it was often labelled the most important crime .
16 In spatial coordinates it is given by This may be found easily ( in this case ) by substituting for the Xi in the material expression above or , somewhat laboriously , by evaluating .
17 In acute diseases it is generally adequate to look only at the symptoms of the acute disease itself .
18 In specific terms it is our professional duty to stand back and , acknowledging that the resources to acquire everything are not available , to provide a service that is balanced and unbiased and tries to meet the demands of a clientele that itself must judge what is good and proper .
19 In social terms it is a rather heterogeneous group , although it almost certainly excludes the lowest income groups , who may be caught in the housing and job ‘ traps ’ in inner-city areas ( Department of the Environment 1977a ) .
20 In foreign affairs she is only one national leader among many .
21 In foreign affairs he was always a consistent supporter of the principle of national sell-determination — ‘ The nations shall be great and free ’ ( Sonnet : Sept. 1802 ; Near Dover ) .
22 In commercial affairs he was a bold speculator .
23 The infant was at once created Prince of Wales , to indicate that in Jacobite eyes he was the real heir to the throne of England , and the Young Pretender was soon to become universally known as Bonnie Prince Charlie .
24 Again and again in different documents it is emphasized that ‘ in the sacrament of the eucharistic bread the unity of all believers is both expressed and brought about ’ ( Lumen Gentium 3 ) , the Eucharistic celebration is ‘ the centre and culmination of the whole life of the Christian community ’ ( Christus Dominus 30 ) .
25 In different forms they were pursued at the second and third Councils of Constantinople ( 553 and 680–1 ) .
26 Both she and Bernard were continually taken aback by the way their staff threw themselves into the Ashley enterprise — although they expected nothing less and , in different ways it was they who inspired their employees to rise above whatever talents they thought they could offer .
27 Punks were not normally aggressive , and though he adhered to his normal practice of avoiding eye contact in public places he was fairly relaxed about them .
28 The radial shields are usually covered although in some specimens it is possible to see the outline of distal end .
29 I have watched famous conductors direct this music and I know just from looking at their backs that in some passages they are no longer in control , they are terrified .
30 They get on with it and they get on with life in the colleges and life may not be wonderful but they deal with it , and in some senses they are exercising what power they have , but what they get fed up with is constantly having to exercise it .
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