Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun pl] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But over the same time the proportion of women in professional families using it remained steady .
2 The reforms were , however , strongly opposed by a section of the Green Party , which in broad terms viewed them as a betrayal of the movement 's roots and as a " sell-out " to mainstream political methods .
3 The biggest complaint was prison food , with just one in eight prisoners saying it was good .
4 If there was any post-coital tristesse about Mighty Mo Magill his lifetime in covert operations hit it well .
5 If ( as often happens ) you find that your pupilmaster does not have enough work in the smaller courts and in administrative tribunals to give you adequate experience , ask him if he will arrange with another member of chambers to enable you to see more of these courts and tribunals .
6 And its feminist interests in social relations link it with disciplines like sociology and history , making it more interdisciplinary than most psychology , maintaining its hopes for change and even a complete paradigm shift in the discipline ( e.g. Parlee 1979 , 1981 ) .
7 He knew she was n't up enough in foreign words to understand him .
8 What is then vividly revealed is that British industry 's inability to match the pace of competition in foreign markets forced it to rely proportionately more on the home market but , in turn , it failed to hold its position .
9 Yet reticence in sexual matters makes it less than probable that these will be the first mentioned .
10 Pillai 's insistence on specialising in commercial affairs enabled him to avoid the sort of tough political decisions — such as suppressing Congress — which the generalists in provincial postings were forced to implement .
11 A horse 's need for self-esteem can be extended in different ways to suit us .
12 During the six years that the Century Guild existed its output was modest , though its participation in public exhibitions gave it a considerable influence .
13 As Fielding led me back to our table I made a powerfully worded verbal pass at a salacious waitress , who appeared to be all for it but then came down with some deep sorrow in the kitchen , and when I burst through the double-doors to console her two men in sweat-grey T-shirts assured me there was nothing I could do for the poor child .
14 Mining remained a craft until the early part of the last war , with each collier taking a boy as a kind of ‘ apprentice ’ into his stall ; and in some instances trying him out later with another boy , both under supervision in an adjacent stall , until they could prove themselves to be master-craftsmen , able to work the stall and be trusted to look after themselves .
15 The word ‘ mothering ’ is sexist in many contexts because it reinforces the ‘ natural ’ connection of women with children and childcare — a connection that feminists have criticised , since under our present social arrangements it has the entirely sexist consequences of defining non-mothers as non-women , restricting women 's opportunities to do other things if they wish , exploiting their unpaid labour and in some cases causing them to be seen as less important than the children they give birth to .
16 Activities involving the close use of vision can be tiring for children with this condition , and stress or excitement seem in some cases to exacerbate it .
17 Staff in local authority children 's homes are being given new powers to restrain young people in their care physically , and in some cases to lock them up overnight .
18 The projects focus on maintaining and protecting the species ' habitats , and in some cases establishing them in new habitats .
19 Pupils have many different views as to the nature of learning and the role of teachers , and part of the work with a new class is in some cases to get them to modify their perspective .
20 Interest in money supply control on the part of governments has brought to the fore the notion that ‘ rational ’ expectations on part of the private economy may limit the efficacy of policy and in some cases thwart it .
21 The traditional role of women in some cultures makes it difficult for them to approach or be approached by the school .
22 Let's just say that the serious lack of accountability in some schemes leaves them wide open to be abused for private and illegal gain .
23 The next day he tried to beg for money , but large signs in some villages warned him that anyone caught begging would be sent to prison .
24 For a transitional period , industrial policy should include the option of erecting external barriers in some sectors to allow them to restructure and modernise .
25 The old Union station had been in a rambling neo-Romanesque style , but the new one was to match the grandest of the American Beaux-Arts school , and in some ways surpass them .
26 Constance did n't bother to reply but sat down beside the cat , which in some ways reminded her of her loved one .
27 She has never advocated violence , and yet there has been a lettered campaign in some quarters to discredit her .
28 To maintain her riskless arbitrage , Mary was instantly required to sell her holding in Metal Bashers Ltd , buy shares in British Telecommunications to bring her holding up to 10% of her portfolio and sell part of her holding in each of the other 99 companies to reduce their average weight in her portfolio to 0.909% .
29 She had to face the handicaps of severe diabetes but , true to Greek ideals , she endured them with stoicism ; only on four occasions in 30 years did she break down under these cruel burdens .
30 If being in unfamiliar places worries you , you might find it helpful to visit the reception hall in advance and even to stand where you will be standing to give the speech and rehearse the opening sentence .
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