Example sentences of "in [adj] [prep] [art] first " in BNC.

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1 Her monograph , The Metabolism of Fat , published in 1943 as the first of Methuen 's monographs in biochemistry , summarized her views on the field , in which she was by then a recognized authority .
2 During the period of massive repression in 1980 , rural drop-out rates were 40 to 50 per cent in each of the first six grades and 20 to 30 per cent in urban schools .
3 Additionally , a further ‘ outside ’ course is taken in each of the first two years .
4 Geology comprises one third of the curriculum in each of the first two years of study .
5 The newly-appointed C E O , Gary who took over at the end of the year when Gill retired has been very involved in these restructuring efforts and has been working very effectively and is on top of the situation , and although three swallows may not make a summer , I can at least tell you that Camco has traded profitably in each of the first three months of nineteen ninety three and now I 'd like to hand you over to Frank , who will talk about the rest of our business .
6 It was the same stadium that Melpomene , an unofficial woman entrant , stepped into in 1986 in the first Olympic marathon .
7 Also , as a means of diffusing his own publications , this time through advertisement , he was among the backers in 1788 of the first evening daily , the Star and Evening Advertiser ; it created a precedent in offering a copy service to others .
8 The show illustrates in two large sections the period from the election in 1024 of the first Salien king , Konrad II , to the death in 1125 of his great-grandson Emperor Heinrich V. The first , introduced by historical maps of the period , illustrates the everyday life and working environment of people of different social strata .
9 On visiting Hawes Water in 1801 for the first time , Wm .
10 1992 — THE Prince tries to kiss his wife in public for the first time in four years on the Indian tour in February .
11 As right-wing supporters , many appearing in public for the first time in almost three years , welcomed their liberators with monarchist flags and fascist salutes , many other Spaniards faced a terrifying future : so terrifying , indeed , that to some suicide was preferable .
12 Our President , Lady Braithwaite , appearing in public for the first time in her new role , was warmly greeted , and during the afternoon she drew the first lucky winners of our 200 Club , a most important new venture to raise badly needed funds for the Society .
13 As during the examination in public into the first alteration , this E I P will demonstrate again the wide measure of agreement between county and district councils .
14 The plan is for the theatre to open in 1993 with the first season of Shakespeare plays .
15 The beachfront villa in Beirut where Coleman lived in 1985 during the first DIA undercover assignment .
16 On a collision course are Onslow 's — who started the fleet sailing in 1985 with the first specialised sale — and Christie 's South Kensington .
17 The high point of his BBC career was the opening in 1929 of the first dual transmitter high-power section in Brookmans Park , near London .
18 Harris came to York in 1963 as the first lecturer appointed to the English Department by the founding professor Philip Brockbank .
19 I vividly recall meeting the young man in 1979 for the first time .
20 Use of animals in experiments in the UK increased in 1991 for the first time in 15 years .
21 By 1882 , Edison 's system of generating power in a central power station , changed industrial methods almost as much as steam had brought about the industrial revolution , and by 1885 the first internal combustion driven machine had appeared , to be followed in 1894 by the first recognisable motorcar .
22 Brunel would have nothing steeper than 1 in 660 for the first eighty-five miles out of Paddington ; Robert Stephenson planned the London and Birmingham Railway with no gradient steeper than 1 in 330 ( except the first rise from Euston to Camden ) ; and Locke nothing steeper than 1 in 250 on the difficult London and Southampton line .
23 This shift led to the return in 1892 of Keir Hardie as the first independent labour MP , and in 1898 of the first labour council in British electoral history .
24 The star of this anniversary show , however , will be the National Railway Museum 4-4-0 ‘ City of Truro ’ No. 3440 which made world history in 1904 as the first steam locomotive to attain 100 miles per hour while descending nearby Wellington Bank !
25 He finished on the rostrum in three of the first four GPs ( ignition failure put him out of the fourth ) and he beat John Kocinski in stunning style to win the fifth GP of the season at the Nurburgring .
26 Familiar with army ways , Curran served in the Indian Army in India , Cyprus , and Italy from 1941 to 1945 before completing his degree in history in 1946 with a first class in part ii and joining the British Broadcasting Corporation as a talks producer in 1947 .
27 It was sold at Sotheby 's in 1946 in the first and greatest post-war Phillips sale for £900 .
28 It was first published in 1650 in the first edition of dances collected by John Playford and would certainly have been danced at the court of King Charles II .
29 Irrigation was improved , including the building in 1902 of the first dam at Aswan , while the economy was pushed ever more towards the monocrop culture of cotton , primarily for export to British textile mills in Lancashire .
30 The new organisation is concerned by the increase in 1992 for the first time in six years of fur imports to £22 million , the equivalent of two million animals , and a renewed popularity in fur clothing or trimmings .
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