Example sentences of "in [verb] in the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 That 's fine , erm what sort I mean what are we , are we back in back in the old problems we 've had before with or is it written in something else ?
2 Perhaps the most important and far-reaching change in nursing in the past ten years has been the wholesale move away from the subservient , passive role of the nurse who was accountable to doctors for any treatments she undertook , and to nursing supervisors for standards of personal conduct and discipline .
3 Like many of those discussed in this book , Foucault endorses the ethico-political project of establishing forms of knowledge that do not simply turn the other into the same : as he put it in 1968 , he wishes to find another politics than that which ‘ since the beginning of the nineteenth century , stubbornly persists in seeing in the immense domain of practice only the epiphany of a triumphant reason , or in deciphering in it only the historico-transcendental destination of the West ’ .
4 Being in London , he could exploit both the court and the merchant community as patrons , and would have been exposed to the new developments in surveying in the published works of Leonard and Thomas Digges [ qq.v. ] and others .
5 I shall not forget how your husband helped a new and inexperienced Head to see what was wrong with the school 's Art Room , helped also in pressing in the right quarter , for its improvement — all of which resulted in a much-needed tonic for the Art teaching in the school .
6 What was the , what was the point in averaging in the first place ?
7 These have been mentioned in passing in the previous section , but they are summarised here for the sake of convenience and for added emphasis .
8 Only a government commanding enormous confidence and authority could have accepted the blow to its prestige entailed in acquiescing in the Austrian assault upon Serbia .
9 John Richards , a top City retail analyst , explains : ‘ The most important development in retailing in the 1980s was the deep-discount warehouse format .
10 You must also confirm your request in writing in the relevant box on the booking form .
11 He advertised , ‘ Instruction in writing in the various hands , merchants ’ accounts by the Italian method of Double Entry , arithmetic in all its branches , algebra etc. , plain and spherical trigonometry and geometry , drafting , navigation , the use of the globes , planisphere etc ’ .
12 Previous holders of Royal Enclosure vouchers should apply in writing in the usual way before the end of April , stating their full names and ages if between 16–25 years , who have not been granted Royal Enclosure vouchers previously .
13 It is essential to have a proper press campaign to explain to the general public — particularly those who are interested in serving in the Territorial Army — that the Territorial Army has a bright and promising future .
14 For that is how they are supposed to function , that is how they publicly claim that they attempt to function , and , as we shall see below , that is the normal way to justify their authority ( i.e. not by assuming that they always succeed in acting in the ideal way , but on the ground that they do so often enough to justify their power ) , and naturally authorities are judged and their performance evaluated by comparing them to the ideal .
15 We have been successful in going in the opposite direction — in increasing the number of jobs and in making British industry more competitive in the past 10 years .
16 In two respects , it is open to the courts to insist that the constable 's decision must be a reasonable one ; there must first be reasonable grounds on which the constable is entitled to rely in deciding in the first place whether or not a breach of the peace is likely to occur .
17 She would come back to camp after a day off , call in at the office to see what was going on , and if we were all running around like headless chickens , snowed under with miles of paper from the teleprinter , and an irate Wing CO was tearing his hair out because the visibility had suddenly slumped from three miles to fifty yards and all his boys were up there somewhere running out of fuel , Rosemary would calmly take over the plotting while one of us rushed out to the screen to read the instruments , or go into the screaming teleprinter to shut off the insistent ear-piercing bell which was reminding everybody within hearing that we were late in sending in the hourly observation .
18 Their presence is , however , indicative of pollution , and any sudden increase in foaming in the raw water should be regarded with suspicion .
19 Paul Walton , of James Capel , complained that the Chancellor did not make big enough increases in spending in the right areas .
20 There is a pride taken in surviving in the hard , even hostile , conditions of work through the exercise of physical bravery in coping with materials which are difficult to handle such as in a foundry .
21 Again , Fry 's study of difficulties confronted by disabled people in voting in the 1987 general election ( Fry , 1987 ) indicates a series of problems in the exercise of democratic rights which are to large degree sui generis , and can only be understood through specific knowledge of disability .
22 Prior to the Elephant Pass battle , there had been sporadic reports of upsurges in fighting in the Tamil-dominated north during May-June .
23 On Jan. 27 Radio Rwanda reported that 120 rebels had been killed in fighting in the Kinigi region .
24 As for volunteering generally , the hon. Gentleman will know that there has been a vast increase in volunteering in the whole range of voluntary services in the last decade .
25 Firms interested in participating in the next survey should contact Mark Brennan on .
26 The understanding reached between them and the catholic — nationalist lay leadership resulted in schooling in the future state being allocated to the domain of the church , in exchange for the legitimation of that state by the church leadership .
27 There would have been no pleasure or satisfaction in shooting in the 80s . ’
28 STRONG demand from other segments of the construction market left Hewden Stuart , Britain 's largest plant hire group , virtually untouched by current problems in housebuilding in the first half of the year .
29 The main reason for the decline in housebuilding in the public sector is the strict control of local authorities ' capital spending by the central government , as part of the government 's attempt to control overall public expenditure .
30 Details of these , and other documents , can be found in Shopping in the 80s : a Guide to Sources and Information , by D A Kirby ( British Library Science Reference and Information Service : London , Feb 1988. 58pp ) .
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