Example sentences of "in [verb] it as [art] " in BNC.

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1 They concur with the group in seeing it as a way of cutting down on bootleg tapes , though it will still reduce the impact of a future live album .
2 However , in reaffirming it as an objective , Mr Kinnock was careful not to set a timescale for reducing unemployment to between 750,000 and one million , depending on circumstances .
3 Now doubtless to some people this is an everyday situation and so they have no problems in tackling it as a mathematical exercise .
4 Ted Fleming 's original has been copied many times , always with appreciated success , so we have no hesitation in recommending it as a lifter for any parafauna that is within reasonable weight limits .
5 He renegotiated the agreement over tunnel usage by the railways and succeeded in presenting it as a breakthrough .
6 Gouldner was just three-quarters right in describing it as a culture of critical discourse ; for it is essentially a culture of self-critical discourse .
7 Structuralists did not believe in examining the text in relation to society — although they did believe in examining the relationships within texts and between texts — nor in examining it as a work with moral significance ; the aim was simply to lay bare the universal structures which were hidden within it .
8 If we are right in regarding it as the single most important area in which independence is prized and which also causes major distress for carers , it seems clear that it should be a priority in health and social services provision .
9 Again , like Marx and the elite theorists he conceives the state largely , if not wholly , in terms of domination ; and this ‘ realist ’ view distinguishes him sharply from those social scientists who , while differing about what the role of the state should be ( how interventionist or laissez-faire ) , agree fundamentally in regarding it as an autonomous and neutral body , which arbitrates among competing claims and expresses the real consensus in society that underlies particular conflicts of interest .
10 The teacher 's purposes in selecting it as a ‘ collaborative ’ activity would be undermined if some children worked individually .
11 When the US President , Eisenhower , visited Madrid on 21 December 1959 , Franco persisted in interpreting it as a sign of recognition of his rightness , not as an indication that times were changing and he would have to move with them or be left behind .
12 If shaft flexibility is not important dynamically there seems little point in introducing it as an unwanted variable in the swing .
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