Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun] he [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 In normal spirits he seemed to need only two steps to cross a room .
2 Back in civvy street he landed a job at the Strand Cornerhouse in London ; from there a number of jobs with skilled confectioners allowed him to accumulate the experience needed to go it alone .
3 In broad Scots he asked Selkirk for his authority , the soldier flourished a piece of parchment and told him to hurry .
4 In eight years he built his television services company , Carlton Communications , to a value of £1 billion .
5 In private conversation he told Asquith " I am afraid that I shall have to show myself very vicious Mr Asquith this session .
6 In thunderous silence he raced to the traffic lights and had to brake hard as the lights changed .
7 In memorable phrases he spoke of things being ‘ changed utterly ’ as a ‘ terrible beauty ’ was born .
8 In each trial he won a trophy given to the top twenty percent .
9 He had five victories in 1986 , another six in 1987 , though in each season he had to settle for runner-up place in the Championship .
10 In each embassy he knew that had a Legal Attaché 's office there was a lady who looked like everyone 's mother , and who did the confidential typing and the greeting downstairs .
11 From the king 's standpoint , the vital consequence was that in each county he had a loyal cadre of men whose services and renders he could call on directly when he chose .
12 In political matters he supported American independence , ridiculing the ‘ very idea of distant possessions ’ .
13 And in that instant he paused to look into her face , causing her to glance up automatically at him .
14 In that sense he expressed the anxiety of Victorians who were ‘ wandering between two worlds , one dead , the other powerless to be born ’ .
15 In that taproom he decided to push the matter further and Catesby gave him his chance .
16 In that state he gave it to the boy who set off on his half-mile walk .
17 In that dream he saw a vision of loveliness : himself as Foreign Secretary .
18 In that capacity he had presided over a campaign against corruption , and more positively over a relaxation of the restrictions upon private trade and local government .
19 While in that capacity he devised an ingenious method of casting railway chairs , and also designed the wrought-iron roof of the New Street Station in Birmingham , which with a span of 211 feet was the largest iron roof at the time of its completion .
20 Auguste was pontificating in that voice he used solely for discussing cuisine , a mixture of reverence , excitement , practicality and anticipation .
21 I said to Russell I 'd love to go in that helicopter he said Lyn you 're pissed .
22 He was born in Capel Curig in 1906 , and in that village he spent his whole life .
23 In that year he extended his syllabus by adding architecture , magnetics , and astronomy to the standard topics of mechanics , hydrostatics , pneumatics , and optics .
24 In that year he produced an outpouring of anti-royalist cartoons , with twenty-six lampoons of royalty being etched in all ( Hill , 1965 : 44 ) .
25 In that year he passed into the service of Richard de Clare , seventh Earl of Gloucester [ q.v. ] , as his steward and went round the earl 's estates hearing complaints against the earl 's officials .
26 Returning to El Salvador in that year he merged the Nationalis Revolutionary Movement ( MNR , founded by Ungo in the mid-1960s ) into the Democratic Convergence coalition , standing as its presidential candidate in March 1989 [ see p. 36520 ] .
27 Also in that year he formed the Stamford Brazenose Society and at their first meeting they discussed astronomy and the latitude of Stamford , lunar maps , a remarkable wasps ' nest and a ‘ stone as big as a walnut , taken from out of the bladder of a little Dutch dog ’ .
28 In that year he succeeded Jean Ludet as ‘ Basse de Hautbois et taille de violon ’ ; Ludet had assumed that position on 10 April 1682 at the retirement of Michel Rousselet ( Arch .
29 His first marriage , in 1927 , to the operetta singer , Carlotta Vanconti , was unsuccessful and led to protracted divorce proceedings , which were not finalized until 1936 ; in that year he married his second wife , the English stage and film actress , Diana Napier , and settled in England .
30 In that year he married a Bristol woman and their only child , named Elizabeth after her mother , was born in 1811 .
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