Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun] and it " in BNC.

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1 There is some movement either way , but in broad terms and it seems to me what proponents of other sectors are doing basically , is suggesting that their particular segment is better because of erm possible improvements which may or may not take in the future .
2 Civilian revolution was organized in Masonic lodges and it is the undoubted contribution of Freemasonry to the Revolution of 1820 that created the myth of its occult force .
3 It was felt that a randomised control design would produce an unworkable scheme in practice : there was only one development officer in each area and it would be difficult to supervise a large number of clients and carers over a widespread geographical area .
4 Pat Palmer would like to establish an emergency telephone chain in each Area and it is hoped that every Area Organiser will be able to set one up by the Autumn using the same overlap list as for collecting class statistics .
5 I do n't think that was the purpose of the erm the E I P and certainly my evidence has not been er produced in that way and it relates solely to sectors .
6 Nine months or a year 's time we may have a different animal working in that office and it may well be some person who has who does some J L O work to supplement John and does some project work , now er Jackie has indicated she 'd love to fill that role , and we all know what project she 'd want to be doing it , but er if we do put somebody in that role they will be project officer as well and on the wall will be a year planner and it 'll have things like crucial crew gala day and all these major major things and that particular officer will work quite closely with the new Pat and they 'll be able to take some of the weight off our shoulders so when we start planning for something like crucial crew you can delegate some of the work to the project officer and perhaps the other sergeant Now I know things do n't always work out quite that straightforwardly but you know the last year has been a bastard of a year for us in terms of sickness , four S L O's have been on long-term sick we 've lost Pat for all that time Jed was off for quite a while
7 Er , to give some , but none of us have worked in that environment and it 's not something we 're familiar with .
8 We both had our share of troubles in that area and it was a major factor in our divorce . ’
9 Er Brian has already confirmed that er he will support the Conservative resolution which in effect recognises that some of the changes in government regulation over the past er decade has not always turned out for the best er this County in particular order er other asked the Secretary of State to re to relieve some of the pressures that generates in that area and it 's for that reason er
10 There were n't many secrets in that neighbourhood and it is a wonder that Mud 's own was kept for so long .
11 So it was done in that manner and it was fairly reasonable er and eventually you know , everybody but everybody was , was on this scheme .
12 asking if it 's in that booklet and it is n't , is it ?
13 But there was no time to give this disturbing idea attention ; Tealtaoich was nearly at the Trees and the Trees were grouped together watching him and waiting for him in complete silence and it was important not to miss a single instant of any of it .
14 Contrast enhanced computed tomography ( n=29 ) , or operation ( n=15 ) , or both confirmed the diagnosis in 32 patients and it was confirmed by ultrasound scan in the remaining four patients .
15 He fears motorists are no longer held in high esteem and it was time the Government took steps to limit the amount of damages payable after a traffic accident , otherwise there would soon be no motorists left .
16 Given their manpower resources , it is not reasonable to expect the police to be able to enforce rigorously a large-scale , blanket speed limit in residential areas and it is apparent that they do not try to do so .
17 These older boards still sail perfectly well in lighter winds and it is only when you start improving to stronger wind conditions that the difference becomes apparent .
18 Holders of this theory would suggest that syphilis was already established in Europe in pre-Columbian days and it was the increase in knowledge and the travel resulting from the Renaissance that made it appear as if a new disease had been introduced .
19 But we were moving in different directions and it had been clear for some while that we stayed together out of habit .
20 And the accumulation of capital has been internationalized by the internationalization of production : it has generated flows of direct investment as multinationals expand their enterprises in different countries and it has also indirectly generated flows of portfolio investment as the multinationals ' cash and financing needs have been channelled through the financial markets of the City , New York and Tokyo .
21 Children cope in different ways and it may be that the only support they need is from you .
22 Recognise that addictive diseases affects different people in different ways and it is very variable in its intensity but that all share the denial of believing that they are not addicted : the crucial test of addiction is not whether one can stop the use of an addictive substance or behaviour but whether one can happily stay off and not be drawn back to it or to something equally addictive .
23 He also had a role to play in public ceremonial and it is likely that a carefully constructed ceremonial relationship existed between king and temple to ensure mutual support in the eyes of the people .
24 Nothing turns on the procedure adopted in this case and it suffices to say that when , on 8 April 1992 , the matter came before Mr. Simon Goldblatt Q.C. , sitting as a deputy High Court judge , the application for an order under the Act of 1975 was made by those who are the defendants in the United States action and it was opposed by the Treasury Solicitor , although purists might perhaps have expected that any opposition would have been made by or on behalf of the Attorney-General , the objection being one taken on behalf of the Crown .
25 It was a useful review of services but not a profound analysis of problems in this field and it makes for rather bland reading .
26 Very few general hospital units , however , have recognized how important this service was to individual patients and now it usually falls to a beleaguered social worker to take on the complex task of sorting out welfare benefits ; social workers are not , however , experts in this field and it is a time-consuming task that few of them relish .
27 He had , still , many contacts in this field and it was yet another approach to coping with the surplus capacity produced by the Carno factory .
28 The words fatty , fatuous and fateful are members of the set of words whose first three letters are f , a , t , but there is no significance in this feature and it does not make a class .
29 In particular in this country and it 's also the same in France and Germany .
30 Temples are revered in this way and it is not uncommon to observe a priest in prayer moving clockwise around a sacred enclosure , or a Stupa .
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