Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun] [pers pn] be " in BNC.

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1 In normal circumstances it is difficult to know the limits of one 's own capability , let alone those of the organization .
2 The old man explained his views on the matter afterwards to a Christian friend , ‘ For an ordinary man in normal circumstances it is enough that he believe faithfully in God .
3 Wycliffe felt sure that in normal circumstances she was a cheerful woman , more ready to laugh than cry .
4 Even in normal society it is boring and , after a while , meaningless to trace everything to a common source , especially when the detail is elaborate .
5 In strong syllables it is comparatively easy to distinguish from , from , but in weak syllables the difference is not so clear .
6 In strong wind it was as nimble as one might wish and had exceptional stability at the extreme sides of the wind window .
7 In professional practice it is the duty of the advocate to call the attention of the court to all decisions that are in any way against the submissions he makes ; but this may not be possible in moot conditions .
8 In broad terms it was found that British managements had adopted a control system which relied little upon direct managerial intervention and allowed the workforce a greater say in decision-making , essentially as a recognition of the de facto power of trade unions and shopfloor organisation within the industry .
9 Under permanently wet conditions , small mammal bone becomes soft and easily broken , and it has been found that small mammal bones preserved in wet caves become extensively broken , whereas in dry caves they are better preserved , but other factors may also modify such an assemblage .
10 A long , lean man with an ascetic face , he looked the celibate monk he had always been , but in private conversation he was unpompous , outgoing , witty .
11 Aloof in temperament , in private life he was pious , charitable , and of a simple way of living .
12 In private life he was very generous , and gave a large sum anonymously to St Edmund Hall , the first £10,000 characteristically arriving in a dirty used envelope .
13 If you were in private accommodation you were noth , you were nothing like so well off .
14 After being educated in private schools he was apprenticed to a mechanical engineer , and before the age of twenty-one had attained a position of responsibility in the works .
15 Harry and Fleury conferred about this problem and decided that they would club together and see if they could afford to buy some hermetically sealed provisions when there was an auction , though with the prices that food fetched now in private barter they were not very hopeful .
16 Thirdly , in economic theory it is presumed that any level of output is always produced at the lowest technically feasible cost .
17 IIb : in economic terms they are qualitatively different .
18 To a certain extent this made economic and political sense : in economic terms it is where the council had most leverage and control , and in political terms it represented a move to a new base , one built on the strength of the white-collar and public sector unions in the changing economy and society of Sheffield .
19 Since jealousy has its roots in emotional insecurity it is these feelings , so often experienced but not recognised , that you must try to treat with sympathy and imagination ; remembering that you , one day , may feel just as your mother-in-law does .
20 In entrenched provisions it was established that a new roll of African voters ( the African higher roll ) would be created with the same qualifications as those for the European roll , i.e. either an income of 1,800 Rhodesian dollars per annum or ownership of property valued at not less than $3,600 , or , an income of $1,200 per annum or ownership of property valued at not less than $2,400 and four years of secondary education .
21 Even for the three vertebrate cases , the ways in which the wing is constructed are quite different , although in each case they are modifications of the same fundamental structure , the pentadactyl limb .
22 Automatic systems usually have an in-feed/out-feed conveyor and sufficient forklift trucks to feed the system — again in each case they are not operating within the crane and storage area .
23 A number of rarer departures from Mendel 's laws were found , and in each case they were able to find a corresponding abnormality in the chromosomes , of precisely the kind required to explain the genetic findings .
24 In all three studies , the children were selected to be as representative as possible and in each case they were asked to perform exhaustive intelligence tests and behavioural exercises .
25 In each case it is the lack of understanding which constitutes the inauthenticity of either the faith or the doubt .
26 In each case it is elderly people living alone who obtain the most support from the state , and among them men receive slightly more than women .
27 In each case it is the woman and her conduct that the man 's lawyers will try to put on trial .
28 In each case it is submitted that the sentences have to be quashed because there was unreasonable delay in giving the appellant a copy of the committal order , which in each case contained particulars of the facts found as constituting a contempt of court .
29 In each case it is evident that physical geographers had to become conversant with progress in related disciplines and a number of excellent papers in Progress in Physical Geography ( 1977- ) provide reports reflecting progress in other disciplines .
30 Although all the filter networks treated so far in this chapter cause phase shift , in each case it is accompanied by attenuation .
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