Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun] [pers pn] [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 In fifty years I 'll be dead and you 'll be a sprightly lizard slurping yoghurt through a straw , sipping peat-bog water and wearing health sandals .
2 Again , he had had to resign in humiliating circumstances.So you can see why this time he is so anxious to avoid knocking copy .
3 In normal circumstances I would have written this information off as being about the small Green Swords which come from the Rio Sarabia , but in this case I could not , as the fish concerned had been supplied from Dr Kallman 's laboratory and were correctly named .
4 In normal circumstances you would know this or be able to find it out , but this is still only a short case study and we have n't included it .
5 The irony was that in normal circumstances she would have insisted on seeing a working installation of a new product if only to satisfy herself that whatever she wrote would n't infringe the Trades Descriptions Act .
6 ‘ I ask you to believe that in normal circumstances he would not behave like that , but he is still not quite himself … the death of his friend , you know … ’
7 In normal fashion we will be staging music in the Live Hall , and the weekend will see performances by some amazing artists .
8 Pseudoephedrine ( see p 317 ) can produce euphoria and delusions , if taken in very large doses , and even in normal doses it may cause nightmares and behavioural problems in children .
9 Finally and in total conclusion I must tell you what happened when we took Adam to a specialist to find out if he had a particular familial complaint .
10 Although this factor may be difficult to assess in monetary terms it may be influential in the make or buy decision .
11 In civvy street she would have found it hard to find a fellow to chat with and so she likely considered the war a godsend .
12 In a simple case , we might have the following key set : These thirty-four records need only 34 storage positions , but if they were stored in self-indexing form they would take up 359 storage positions , and there would be five gaps of 91 , 1 , 1 , 94 and 138 positions respectively .
13 In broad outline we can designate the Asiatic , the ancient , the feudal , and the modern bourgeois modes of production as progressive epochs in the economic formation of society .
14 I think in broad terms we can say that er , Les Echo comparatively did better than the F T.
15 In broad terms it may be stated as being whether an original tenant under a lease containing a rent review clause is bound by privity of contract to pay the landlord for the time being of the premises a rent agreed or otherwise determined with a subsequent assignee of the term .
16 People have been scrambling up Cust 's Gully for over 100 years , and in dry conditions it should pose no problems — although it is not particularly attractive and I only included it because it was such a traditional route .
17 Wood will not come to much harm in moist heat below about 140°C. but , of course , in dry heat it will soon crack due to shrinkage .
18 In particular if the meeting is in private premises it should be noted that the police can insist on entering the premises even against the wishes of the organisers , if they have reasonable grounds to believe a breach of the peace is likely to occur ( Thomas v. Sawkins ( H.C. , 1935 ) ) .
19 Even in private conversation he would explain how his client could not possibly have broken into the house in the way of which he was accused , because he was far too drunk at the time , and so on .
20 The lesson to be derived was one of moderation : " Not only in the exercise of political power should men of prominence be considerate towards those of low estate , but also in private life they should — if they are sensible — treat their slaves gently .
21 In private practice you could provide services for large , corporate clients , or for private individuals and small businesses .
22 The Report declared that ‘ the country can not afford this wastage , humanly or economically speaking , ’ and therefore ‘ in human justice and in economic self-interest we ought as a country to give that help ’ to working-class youngsters who under-achieve at school .
23 In an imperfect capital market it need not be the same for all firms , and in an economy subject to cyclical fluctuations in economic activity it need not be the same over time .
24 Now , there are good reasons why we might want to do that , but in economic terms you 'll reduce the net welfare of the economy , or the world simply because you 're diverting resources away from efficient modes of production into inefficient modes of production .
25 Thus in allied localities it may be possible to trace material from one specific source using its modal size and spread , noting the increases and decreases in its contribution to local materials ( Curray , 1960 ; McManus , Buller & green , 1980 ) .
26 Perhaps Elena thought that if she was in sole charge she could make a proper tyrant out of him .
27 In each case we may trace from them important effects on learning in schools today on the curriculum plans , on policy and programmes for teacher training and , most significant , on the attitudes of teachers themselves and of those who train them .
28 We shall assume that the syntactic positions for adjectives in English are as below ; we give first the intensional pattern of which each is the surface exponent , as well as an example for each , and also an instance which is ungrammatical and where we shall later be able to suggest reasons for the ungrammaticality ; in each case we shall underline in the intensional pattern the property which is instantiated by the adjective , merely for clarification and not as an integral part of the notation : [ P E ] prenominal attributive position surface syntactic sequence : adjective + noun as in hungry passengers ; but note that *asleep kittens is ungrammatical { [ E ] ( P ) } ordinary predicative position surface syntactic sequence : noun phrase + be + adjective as in the critics were upset ; but note that her husband was mere is ungrammatical [ E P ] postnominal attributive position surface syntactic sequence : noun phrase + adjective as in the crimes alleged ; but note that the road wide is ungrammatical ( ( P E ) P ) predicate qualifying position surface syntactic sequence : verb phrase + noun phrase + adjective as in he brought his gun loaded ; but note that she uses her mixer lightweight is ungrammatical [ E ( P P ) ] postverbal position surface syntactic sequence : verb phrase + adjective as in the crowd remained angry ; but note that his brother resisted obstinate is ungrammatical ( ( P P ) E ) adverbal position surface syntactic sequence ( usually ) : verb + noun phrase + adjective as in Ali rubbed the lamp clean ; but note that Mark resembles the officer sinister is ungrammatical ( P { E P } ) clausal position = surface syntactic sequence : verb + noun phrase ( + be ) + adjective as in he considers the prosecution case hopeless but note that Sue reported the prizes aplenty is ungrammatical { E P } P extraclausal position surface syntactic sequence ( usually ) : adjective + clause as in furious , the king ordered many arrests but note that furious , the king had three wives is ungrammatical As we have said , these are the adjectival positions of English ( and possibly of any natural human language ) .
29 In each case we can choose a scale above which the material may be considered homogeneous , but below which the structure needs to be considered .
30 In each case it may be possible to print out target costs against each subsection and therefore quantify any profit or loss .
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