Example sentences of "in [adj] [noun] [pers pn] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Scholes 's case is the more telling in that he is far from being a conservative opponent of all recent developments in theory ; he has written favourably of structuralism , and unsympathetically about fictional realism ( for which , indeed , he has been attacked by Tallis ) , and elsewhere in Textual Power he finds deconstructive reading — as opposed to the theory underlying it — a useful critical method .
2 In wounded puzzlement I had a sudden flashback to the time immediately after Dunkirk , when Leslie had referred to the projected formation of a parachute corps , and to service in it as ‘ absolute certain death ’ in a ‘ suicide squad ’ .
3 In normal spirits he seemed to need only two steps to cross a room .
4 When a concerted and invasive effort has been made to find acid fast rods in sarcoid tissue they seem to be present , and acid fast bacteria without cell walls and tuberculostearic acid have also been isolated from lesions of patients with sarcoidosis .
5 The obvious comparison is with housework : if women want to eat and live in pleasant surroundings they have to cook and clean .
6 It could be argued that anyone who is idiot enough to send a cheque for thousands of pounds to a salesman of shares in unquoted companies he has never heard of deserves to lose it all .
7 In strong winds we do n't want beginners to be overpowered and so we reduce the sail area , that 's known as reefing .
8 In monetary terms it made a lot more sense to extend episode numbers within a serial , thereby getting more television hours with fewer changes in location .
9 Back in civvy street he landed a job at the Strand Cornerhouse in London ; from there a number of jobs with skilled confectioners allowed him to accumulate the experience needed to go it alone .
10 We then all sit down together and discuss these various options over and over again until the board has reached a position of understanding of where in broad terms we think the strategy of the individual business should fit .
11 In broad Scots he asked Selkirk for his authority , the soldier flourished a piece of parchment and told him to hurry .
12 I was cold and hungry — in eight hours I had only had three tangerines — and I throbbed from toes to groin .
13 In eight years he built his television services company , Carlton Communications , to a value of £1 billion .
14 Most awards tend to be hundreds of pounds rather than the tens of thousands in private compensation you read about in the papers — but as Victim Support director Helen Reeves ( pictured above ) points out : ‘ Compensation is an important way of acknowledging that such crime is not acceptable .
15 In private conversation he told Asquith " I am afraid that I shall have to show myself very vicious Mr Asquith this session .
16 Clare Lawrence ( Mrs Hatcher ) writes , ‘ Since qualifying as a solicitor specialising in corporate and commercial work in private practice I worked in industry 1986- 8 as a Legal Director of Bricom plc .
17 In economic terms they seem to have had little effect : in Merseyside , for instance , which has had every new scheme , economic decline has not even been halted , let alone reversed .
18 In thunderous silence he raced to the traffic lights and had to brake hard as the lights changed .
19 In technical terms we say that Socinus rejected the ‘ forensic ’ idea of salvation .
20 In memorable phrases he spoke of things being ‘ changed utterly ’ as a ‘ terrible beauty ’ was born .
21 in life-supporting mysteries we share ;
22 In each trial he won a trophy given to the top twenty percent .
23 In each basket we compared like with like — so there were no cheap and nasty products with brand names you 've never heard before .
24 The temptation to equate the two positions relies apparently on two things : on the fact that in each case we have an adjective and a noun or noun phrase , and on the supposition that attributive adjectives and predicative adjectives all share the referential locus of the head noun to which they are related .
25 Asked about BBC1 and 2 , ITV and Channel 4 , more than two-thirds of respondents in the ITC study said in each case they had not been offended by the channel in question .
26 In each case they run between the intersegmental folds or antecostae of successive segments .
27 In each case they have proved a potentially effective instrument for channelling productive local suggestions and for achieving sensible modifications in centrally designed materials .
28 They did find high incidence of eye diseases among local animals , but in each case they concluded that the most likely cause was infection from a common pathogen .
29 In each case they vary by only 0.002 millimetres .
30 In each case it had in effect been ruled that Gen Robertson 's order of 14 May would apply , and that 5 Corps could continue with arrangements already entered into hand over both Cossacks and Yugoslavs but only in each case , so lob as force did not have to be used .
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